
99.9% sure that was the devil

Always amusing when someone spends half an hour putting together a post telling a whole crowd how lame they are. Instead of, y'know, just going somewhere else.

Aww, this made me cry! I have to get out there and get over my divorced heart and look again. You give me hope.

The seagull in the comic was laughing at the abuse. I think that lumps it into the "abusive seagulls" group readily enough. Saying "How can you laugh at that? That's horrible!" is not "basically racism." And even without the laughing, just standing by, watching the abuse happen, and not even acknowledging that there's

That's why context is important.

So, wait. A small, defenseless creature is being beaten by larger, more powerful creatures. Another member of the more powerful creatures is standing by, watching and laughing. Another small, defenseless creature comes by and says "How can you laugh at this? It's terrible? You larger, more powerful creatures can be

If the seagulls stand by while other seagulls do shitty things and don't say anything or even admit that there's anything wrong, then they're part of the problem. Even putting aside the fact that the gull in the comic is actually encouraging the behavior, just plain ignoring a problem gives it tacit consent, which

No one's saying anyone has to fix the whole broken system, or take on all wrongdoers in the world that share your skin tone, but if it's happening in front of you, and you don't even say anything about it or acknowledge that there is, in fact, a problem, then you're a part of the problem and deserve to be called on it.

Yup, that is what I wrote. There are lots of ways to work towards stopping terrible things, and speaking up and taking a stand against them is one way. You hear someone make a racist or sexist joke? Say "Hey, that's not funny," or something to that effect. Even small things like that can make a big difference.

Cried. Totally cried. As soon as the baby made a noise.

guys will i cry

I find it impossible to believe you have a sex life at all.

I'm going to take a wiiiiild guess here and say that someone has laughed at you or chastised you during sex. Hence, your uber-defensiveness here, manifesting as projection. You're a lazy, shitty lay — but it's not you, it's THEM.


I was a teen right before smart phone ubiquity and can't even imagine how bad my insomnia would've been if that were added to the equation — I was up until at least 1 am every night just ironing my hair, reading COSMOGirl!, posting on The Strokes' fan forum, writing incredibly cringe-y stuff in my diary, giggling with

Ohhhhh, boy. No really "gets" him? Sounds like a lot of people get him. Hence, the tent.

Oh, brother.

Damn I knew he was lying and I wasn't even in the same room. Your gut instinct is right. Depending on how much you love your friend, I would chat with him and ask him questions in front of her that seriously place doubt on his story. Start casually with a, "Oh what doctor/s are you seeing? Because I know a good one

This guy is a pathological liar. I had a roommate like this, she had all sorts of ridiculous stories about her many adventures/accomplishments/mishaps with zero evidence to back them up and her lies were all pretty easily disproved. I might sound cold but I highly doubt this guy is sick with cancer - he has a mental