Some people aren’t so easily convinced;
Some people aren’t so easily convinced;
I’m actually surprised at the level of injury and damage - Honda is supposed to have a pretty good collision and pedestrian collision mitigation system.
I always thought that Pulsar was super cool, with all the various configurations. I think the “shooting brake” version is pretty rare.
The only way it’ll go around a corner is with the dog as ballast. So while it’s not the best car for a dog, it’s best to have a dog for this car.
Tomatoes didn’t come to Europe for hundreds of years after “pizza” was created. Maybe much longer depending on how you define pizza.
“this officer may have deliberately mischarged the offender so they can get it dismissed”
I’m an 80's kid so that jingle has always stuck in my head. And I expect that despite denying it, I’m sure the brothers Raffel must have realized and intended to capitalize on the shared initials when the chose roast beef as their signature item.
Did you read the article? Sauce is included. Also, pizza doesn’t have to have tomato sauce to be pizza. Heard of white pizza? Actually going back to the origin of pizza, tomatoes weren’t even invented yet.
...or perhaps “Wisconsin’s Best Frozen Pizza Is Technically Pizza.”
Bob Saget got rich making America’s Funniest Home Videos. All YouTube does is let the person who makes the video make millions.
I am so disappointed with the official choices - why did everyone go American? Just because someone moved here doesn’t mean they have to drive a car that was made here. So many better options than this...
Username checks out.
Twitter is going to become a cesspool of misinformation. If there is any credible alternative, the influencers/celebrities will go there and the audience will follow. Twitter will fail, and Musk and his investors will lose billions.
Jumper cables are old school. I got one of those battery powered jumpers and I’ve used it several times to save stranded motorists. It’s so much easier to use than cables, though I still keep a set of those on hand as well in case the battery thing doesn’t work.
I agree this is legally dubious. To seize the assets, the US has to show that they are the proceeds or an instrumentality of a crime. But just like forfeiture in the US, the standard of proof is very low. I don’t think any US citizen should have their car or cash seized without the benefit of a trial, and I’m not…
You’re still young. That’s your fault. There’s so much you have to go through. Find a girl (or boy). Settle down. If you want to, you can get a minivan. Look at me. I am old. But I’m happy driving my crossover.
PHEV = the weight of a hybrid + the weight of an electrical socket.
No, people buying an M3 are likely just looking to blart up and down neighborhood roads at 2x the speed limit to get people to notice them.