
If 3/9 is bigger than 1/4, why is their burger lower than the other?

Germany is centuries old”

That’s not true. A charge of manslaughter requires, at a minimum, a mens rea of negligence or recklessness. That’s not the same as an intentional act against a person (specific intent) but it isn’t “no intent” - it’s the intent to behave recklessly, knowing that the actions could result in serious injury or death of

In general, the punishments for vehicular manslaughter are probably too light. They revolve around the idea that “accidents happen” and “lives shouldn’t be ruined for a simple mistake” but I think that’s the wrong way to look at it. And don’t get me started on driver education and vehicle licensing...

Comparing drinking coffee to eating whale is a big stretch. There’s nothing inherently bad about the cultivation of coffee, in the way there is in hunting whales. The biggest environmental negative from cultivating coffee, according to the link, is the “Farm” related emissions. This comes from fertilizer and

I don’t think anyone really considers these vehicles for towing or off-roading or anything useful. They are entirely designed to be public statements of conspicuous (over)consumption.

It’s the new Ford Flex!

Well apparently tea does counteract at least some of the negative effects of alcohol on the liver, so like so many things in life, it’s a balance; 4 cups of tea and one martini a day, or 12 cups of tea and 4 martinis a day. The Queen apparently chose the latter, as would I.

Well not everything can be grown where coffee grows, and nothing can be grown more profitably. If there were something, the farmers would already be growing it. I think it would be better to find a way to make farming more sustainable than to try and replace it with some processed food slurry.

I get we’re trying to reduce carbon emissions and all that, but is the future going to be all of us sipping fake coffee while eating a fake sausage patty sandwiched between two buns made from recycled plastic bottles? While farmers in Guatemala and Kansas can’t earn a living because everything we eat is brewed in a

I'm exploring this question too, so tell me I'm doing the math right: let's say the average fridge draws 700 kwh a year, so that's 1900 wh per day. This is about half that, so without recharging from an external source (say, solar) it'll run half a day. With solar charging it up in 3-6 hours though, on a good day it

Thanks. I had a vague memory of ways that manufacturers were discouraging dealers from markups, and that’s a good example. I might just have to head down to my Acura dealer…

I’m curious about this. Are some dealers getting pressure to not go above msrp for the sake of mfr relations? There could be a real sweet spot for owners (like me) of cars only a couple years old, looking to upgrade to new…

Well so far you’re the only one. Everyone else seems to be sticking to their negative predictions. I’m the opposite; I predicted only 10 speed auto, so I’m going to eat my hat.

Weird gripe bro, but ok.

I’m a fan of high speed rail and all, but one of the biggest arguments for it is the time it saves not having to arrive early to check in, or go through the crazy security. I think it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that that will change. All it takes is one bad thing to happen and we’ll get the same level of

It was an amusing show, but knowing all that went on behind the scenes, it’s unforgivable; they took advantage of people who were in a difficult spot and made their situation worse. That’s like going to someone who is living in a crappy apartment and telling them you’re going to refurbish it, then kicking them out and

If you watch the video, it shows this same guy in an LX with a black interior. I’m guessing they took the photo of this brown interior with a fisheye/wide angle lens and then photoshopped the guy in after. But since the guy wasn’t photographed with the same lens, the proportions look off.

This guy’s tombstone will read “Did it for the Likes” He should pre-order it now.

I like the size of this - I sometimes wish I could get a teardrop, but no way my wife would go for something that didn’t have a bathroom, so this seems like the smallest camper I could probably get. The interior looks fine, but the outside just looks terrible. Are they trying to capture “the youth demographic” with