I was kinda hoping the “wave” would be you’d pop your doors up at each other!
I was kinda hoping the “wave” would be you’d pop your doors up at each other!
I though as Jalopnik readers we were forbidden from buying new cars?
Seeing as to how the dark side of the force was supposed to be all about giving in to your desires and wants, I figured the implication was that between bouts of gleeful cackling Palapatine would be swinging his dick into everything and anything with the kind of evil vigor that would make George R.R. Martin blush.
It would have required less explanation and retconning to just reveal that Palpatine used the dark side to create Rey and she was just born to some nobody parents. It’s implied in the prequels (and I believe confirmed in a comic) that he created Anakin the same way. This would have given her a connection to Palpatine…
“Today, I saw on Car And Driver that...”
Ha! I mean, the level of automotive journalism on this site is reaching comical lows.
The average driver is now so stupid they think DRL’s are automatic headlights, and if they don’t have DRL’s, then the dashboard glow makes them think their lights are on. If they have no lights on, you flashing your’s means nothing to them- they’re in their own world. Same if they have the highs on. Clueless, or…
Rock bottom? That’s the kind of challenge that will have him reaching for a pickax.
Keep in mind the prevalence of cameras, and that with Super Cruise these drivers are going to have a free hand to film your stupidity. Swerving at another car on purpose is going to get you arrested.
I mean you can already do this with any car with adaptive cruise. Most cars have a maximum acceleration rate on ACC so that the car doesn’t just floor it to get back to 80mph. Idk if I’ve ever been in one that lurches ahead.
So, you intentionally spend time out on our public roads trying to make things more dangerous for everybody else?
Why would you want to do this? Why does it please you to make someone else’s day more difficult?
Boo Berry and McDonald’s shamrock shakes both have identifiable effects on poop.
I mean, half the stuff influencers/streamers/social media whatevers do, is the same stuff artists and musicians have to do to get their stuff out there. And I can say from personal experience, a lot of work does go into it, especially when most platforms and their algorithms actively push against natural growth and…
Things like that are why I stay a fan of media properties without getting involved in the fan dumb of the property.
Thankfully, I’d never heard of this guy before, but it seems to me that he’s a miserable piece of shit and he got what he deserved, Good riddance, garbage boi.
John Z. DeLorean tried to make a car that wouldn’t rust and was mysteriously accused of crimes he didn’t commit. I’m not saying that it was rust that framed him but I’m not saying its not NOT rust.
But enough about the Kentucky DMV.