
The republicans have to cheat to win, to put an “extra Justice” in, to pass a bill to hurt the poor, they’re despicable.  Just don’t expect me to ever forget the hypocrites that call themselves “christians.”  They support these assholes and that tells me all I need to know about “christian values.”  I know there are

Exactly.  It’s why they support Drumpf in the first place.  

I did exactly that, change my pre-order and quit Prime. I’ve had that game pre-ordered since last year and was told to expect it the 17th. Amazon really sucks anymore. Just try to get help sometime, go ahead try. I hate giving my money to the local stores but I don’t feel like I have a choice. And I’m not talking

Please tell me this isn’t true.  

It makes me incredibly sad to see how these bastards are killing the planet.  I spent half my life (I’m 62) testing soil and water samples for pollutants like benzene and now the oil and gas industry has free rein to pump the same crap back into fracking operations.  Every day brings another obscenity.  My mother who

You had me until the last paragraph.  I’m convinced the only reason “christians” deny climate change is they want to “hurry things along.”  It’s just another cult.  Just another fairy tale.  

This is South Dakota in a nutshell.  We currently have a governor who put “religion” back in schools and passes a prayer day now and then.  Our representatives are complete tools who only show up to work to get their pictures taken standing behind Moscow Mitch.  

As a former patient of a Behavioral Ward in a red state I can tell you the experience can often be worse than no help at all. It’s a pretty long story and I’m sure no one wants to hear it, but I saw abuse on a daily basis.  I hope it was just a fluke and it doesn’t mean the problem extends past our local hospital.

That’s it. I wish all games would have the option of skipping those scenes. You paid for the game, you should be able to actually see the whole game.

Don’t bother to download the Youngblood demo unless you know someone who already owns the game. I spent an hour signing up for a Bethesda account and verifying said account and restarting my PS4 three times only to be told you have to be “invited” to play from a person that owns the game.  I thought you could play

Thank you. Just for being you.

We’re not nearly close enough. 

After paying HBO and my ctappy ISP for years they moved Bill to late, making it impossible to watch in “real time.” I canceled and discovered you can get anything on HBO on torrents even sooner than they are willing to show it. Way to go HBO! Screw your local customers and encourage pirating at the same time. 

I gave up on this game long ago when I reached a point in the game I just couldn’t get past. I must have attempted the same fight thirty or forty times. You can criticize Days Gone all you want but at least they got that right.

Included in my bucket list, assuming I survive long enough, is my hope and prayer I can shit on Trump’s grave.  

Sorry, I forget things all the time, just trying to help out. 

I used to work with kids with behavioral problems.  As a reward I would bring in my Nintendo and let the higher ranks play it.  I had a kid in my group named Ron who played Ninja Gaiden and damned if he didn’t almost finish the game the first time he played.  It was awesome.  

I think he misspoke and meant Demon Souls.  I really wish they would put out a remaster of that one. 

I’m pretty sure I’m going to get my ass handed to me, probably to the point where I give up and get pissed about yet another game I can’t finish, but damn it your article gave me a small amount of hope. I just couldn’t resist giving From Software another excuse to beat the stuffing out of me. The pre-order should

I like the cut of your jib!