

I swear when I was a kid I found several law books that I took home and read, I was a weird kid, and I swear I read at one point it was your right to resist an illegal arrest.  Did I dream this?  Or is this an actual “right?”

Did anyone else order the Day One Edition of Metro Exodus on Amazon? They promised preorder bonuses then never sent them. When I tried to deal with help on Amazon they ran me in circles for a week, kept promising to “fix it.” The way they fixed it was to actually change the webpage, removing the text promising the

I hear you.  If I could I’d live in a cave.  And I’d be happy.  


Was this woman charged with the threat?  Or was that a “freebie?”  

Is there a free software solution to find out what channels all your neighbors are using?

I wish I’d hear “crowns,” all I’ve heard for years now is root canal.  I should have it so good, “crowns.” 

This is why we can’t have “nice things,” like single payer healthcare. These corporations are stealing us blind and killing the planet at the same time. The last time I ordered something from Amazon they sealed a tiny box inside a large box with tons of brown packing paper.

Just found one in my backyard this fall.  I also had a mantis in my garden, which shocked the shit out of me, I live in South Dakota.  

Anti-science? My degree would argue with that. I worked as a chemist for years. Russian troll?  Or just another dumbass that spreads lies on the internet for attention and the excitement of screwing with people.  

This is the dumbest comment I’ve ever seen on this site. No evidence to back up any of it- just fabrication and deceit. It reminds me of the token responses I receive from my representatives when I write them in support of legalization. Pure bullshit. I wonder if you work for the tobacco or alcohol industry? I

Yeah, I thought the same thing.  Just more proof the entire concept is bullshit.  All Pratt has accomplished with this is convincing me he’s much stupider than I previously thought.  When you talk a god of love but start excluding people based on who they love you are full of shit in my opinion. 

I use it all the time.  He reportedly doesn’t like it so that makes it wonderful in my book.  A man that excuses the Saudis for murder but won’t allow anyone to be critical of Saudi Arabia or Russia deserves no respect in my eyes.  

Seriously fuck this man and fuck his family. They are surely they same kind of people that refer to the massacre at Wounded Knee as a “battle.” This country has more than it’s share of atrocities but the biggest atrocity was putting this turd in the White House.  It set back any good will the rest of the world had

Would this be tough to get into if you haven’t played a Dragon Quest game since the PS2?

You missed the banana Cheerios.  It’s the first banana anything that came damn close to the actual taste of bananas.  

These people should be carrying signs that say “No intelligence.”  I’m all for freedom of speech but your right to remain ignorant shouldn’t cause damage to individuals and society at large.  We are encouraging ignorance in this country by allowing every conspiracy nut a “place at the table.” 

I love everything she advocates.  I think she’s intelligent, caring and a good person’ you know, everything that dipshit currently in the office isn’t.  I just wonder if she can handle the “politics.”  The Presidential election has become a cesspool where the biggest turds rise to the top.  Some people are not up for

Don’t expect much to change.  South Dakota’s representatives are totally useless.  There’s a good reason you don’t hear their names mentioned more, they go to Washington and do nothing for their terms except vote the party line.