
Aye,Aye Sir! I saw that also.  

From my personal experience, atheists are quite often more knowledgeable about the bible, than the “christians” that try to shove it down our throats.  

I’m guessing it’s a little like Juvenile Corrections. You get a lot of people that really give a shit, some that are just looking for an entry in their resume, and  probably a large number of people that have a cruel streak and want to assert a little “dominance.”  As hard as it may be to believe some people get off

I hear you.  It’s definitely on my bucket list.  A more vile human I can’t think of (currently living.)  I’ve never wished harm on anyone, even the football player in Junior High who tormented me on a daily basis.  

I cherish the day I can piss on his grave.  

Not a great President but at least he had the balls to serve!  Unlike Drumpf and his heel spurs.  

Absolutely love your comments!  You made my day.  I wonder if Donny is still tired of “so much winning.”  

Yet again Kinja seems to be broken.  I can’t respond to anyone, the webpage just reloads.  Hollylujah if you haven’t written a book yet, please consider it!  

Why am I grey one day and “out” the next?

I for one, really hope you are being serious so I can live vicariously through you.  I haven’t had a stress free day since 45 took office.  

What do you do about tailgaters?  Seriously, it’s the one thing I’d like to handle better.  It drives me nuts.  

Once I saw it requires a Plus subscription I lost all interest in the game.  

Boy that “art of the deal” stuff really works, huh?  So much winning....but no one seems to call attention to the bullshit and consequences to putting a failed casino manager in charge of the country at the press conferences anymore, do they?  I guess the constant barrage of lies and attacks on the media is the one

I wonder how the difference between states could also be effected by willingness to disclose in a conservative (illegal) state.  I wouldn’t share crap with the state I live in.  And I don’t even drink alcohol.  

Why is this almost always true?  Did they get together and decided that would be their “look?”  

You know, I’m not exactly sure.  Some I’m sure would like to kick his ass, especially the Native Americans who understand “respect your elders.”  But I’m certain the meeting would lead to a better understanding of respect.  Some of those kids are better people than a lot of the kids I see on the street and they

Okay can someone “martyr” him already? Seriously, fuck this kid. Just another spoiled, privileged brat.  I’d like to introduce him to the kids I worked with in Corrections.  

Yes!  I’ve been saying this for years.  

Talk about putting lipstick on a pig.... 

I like this young woman more every day.  She’s exactly right on these issues.  What I’ve never understood is how working class Americans can find fault in a society that attempts to help the less fortunate.