
Thank you very much.  Those are both good ideas I hadn’t thought of but I will now.  My eyes are terrible and I’ve given up on ever getting good at the game (I miss too many of the pop ups) but I still am enjoying the game as a “nature simulator.”  

This! We have to confront him on his bullshit and make him do the right thing. We can start by holding firm on his fucking wall. I was bullied all through Junior High and most of Elementary School. Not because I was small but because I was terribly shy and introverted. In High School I decided enough was enough

Thanks.  Yeah I’m trying to keep an eye open.  Hey Kinja is actually working again?  This is the first time in months I have been able to reply to comments. 

If the democrats give in to this fucker on his vanity project they can count on losing many more elections in the future.  The “wall” is useless and it’s become a rallying cry for the bigots and racists that have come crawling out of the woodwork.  Sometimes you just have to say no and mean it.  Where do they intend

When I started the game I intended to do a bird survey, just because I’m a “birder..” But honestly it’s almost impossible to “lock on” long enough to identify the bird, or is there a trick to it? Also I have yet to see a snake in the game, even though the fine people at Reddit pointed me towards several locations.

Honestly what the fuck is wrong with this country?  

These people are the real heros, risking life and limb to help another species.

As much as I admire Elizabeth Warren, it bothers me to no end that she fell for Drump’s taunts.  If she would have just ignored his bullshit I would have felt much better of her running against this attention-seeking five year old.  

This wouldn’t even be allowed in Corrections in SD. These people should be barred from working with children. I don’t know why any of this surprises me but if you still identify as a “christian” and you’re “okay” with this administration and it’s policies, you aren’t fooling anyone except maybe yourself.  

I worked as an environmental chemist for years. I tested soil samples in South Dakota that were incredibly high, both for mercury and cyanide. Asked a fellow chemist about the results and he reminded me they used to be much less stringent when extracting gold from ore. I guess we’re going back to the “old days.”

Isn’t the simplest answer that it’s not spinning?

I’m sorry to say I haven’t returned since the first month it came out.  Is it REALLY worth returning?  I’d have to start a new game all over with all the updates.  


I remember watching Bill Mayer several years ago when he had a political strategist on discussing the power of words, small “soundbites” that needed to be repeated over and over to achieve success.  Well the “Right” seemed to be listening that evening also.  Year after year I’ve watched the conservatives throw out

I hear you.  I feel exactly the same.  

I’m sure I’m still in the greys, despite commenting appropriately for years on here but can assure you the GOP doesn’t give a shit about the native Americans living in the states they control. I saw evidence of this on a daily basis while working with kids in Corrections.  

Why am I still grey?

Tell that to your grandchildren you bootlicker.” I’m not sure why but this actually made me happy.  I don’t “get happy” much anymore.  Thank you.

This is the kind of bullshit that convinced me to leave the party.  After over 40 years as a registered democrat I’m moving to independant.  Not that it effects anything except maybe I won’t get as many calls begging for money.  The system is broken.  I can almost understand why so few people actually vote these days.

Ticks are the only animal that can make this grown man shudder.  They are evil little shits.