
But what about the children?  Think about the children!

This is why I keep coming back here.  Excellent comparison.

There are only two options: He’s either too dumb to be president or he’s too callous to the suffering of his fellow Americans to be president.”  Why not both?  I wonder when he’s going to go too far for even the dolts that still support him?  

Finally beat it. I was forgetting to get my character up to 100% on health and stamina before the bar scene. Thanks for the help, Kinja won’t let me replay to individual comments for some reason. (Just on Kotaku.

Press R2 slowly. Then use DeadEye squeeze R2 the rest of the way and blow that mother right out of his boots! Seriously, this game does a poor job of explaining the functions of buttons that change function on the fly as it were. It doesn’t help I’m close to legally blind and can’t see the prompts in the corner.

I’m about ready to give up on video games.  I’ve been stuck at that bar fight scene for days now.  I just can’t seem to beat that bear of a man no matter what I try.  It’s almost like I run out of stamina but there isn’t a gauge for stamina.  Any suggestions besides “git gud?”

ALL of the media outlets should be sticking together and working towards exposing this bullshit.  If Faux News was alone in the disinformation it would become more apparent.  

This.  I couldn’t be more disappointed in this country right now.  We had a chance to send a message and we blew it.  

I guess I’m done with Gizmodo. Between the obnoxious auto-playing videos and the websites refusal to pull me out of the greys even though I’ve been commenting in an appropriate manner for years I’ve finally had enough.

Great post but how do you actually “donating’ to Pearson in camp?”  I’ve tried several ways, I’ve carried the deer around camp, left it on my horse and so on and never can find a way to do so.  That’s my biggest gripe about an incredible game- the stuff no one tells you.  Every time I go to a barber they aren’t there,

Thank you, I’ll try that. 

I’d love to have a beer with you.  Instead I’m stuck in “America’s heartland” with all that entails.  When I first moved here my neighbor was quick to ask me “what church do you attend?”  I told him I was an atheist and from there the conversations went rapidly downhill.  It wasn’t any kind of loss the asshole is a

I read a study once that came to the conclusion that atheists very often score much higher on knowledge of religion than the people involved.  That doesn’t surprise me a bit.  Once you actually read the books and start asking questions you realize it’s all bullshit.  

Could you please tell me what the little message is up in the corner during a quick draw scene? It’s way too small, it only stays up there a second or two, and I’m continually losing the gunfight.  It’s the one complaint I have with this game (other than I can’t have a cat for a side kick.) 

I thought I was the only one that felt this way.  How did you get that screenshot that comes with the article?

True story. I just have to share this. I saw a Brewer’s Blackbird murder a Chipping Sparrow. Absolutely murder. He was pecking the crap out of the smaller bird under my feeder. I ran outside to see if I could break it up, yelled and waved my arms. They both took off and as they were flying across the street the

Okay, maybe the deer killed my horse.  Stupid deer.  

Oh please don’t let that be true.  Little Blackie is gone?  Crap.  All that wonderful bonding I was starting to really like that horse.  I never saw him die and he wasn’t in the area, can your horse die “off camera?”  

I’m guessing the Drumpf administration will continue to lie with impunity.  The media in this country (for the most part) won’t call them on any of the previous bullshit so why start now?  

I’m about a quarter of the way through. Loving the game but I seem to have lost my horse. I was “dead,” and woke up to a completely new horse. Different color, different breed, same stuff on the horse. It sucks as I felt comfortable with that horse.  Incredible game without the “glitch.”