
I wish I could give you more than one star.  

Excellent use of links to prove your point- kudos. I’m getting the shot this year, I would have in past years as I’m getting older but I didn’t have any insurance until this year.  The flu doesn’t really scare me as much as Streph throat.  I have nearly died from that twice, it hits me like a brick.  I guess I’m

The cat deserves much better.  

I can’t get that video to play, could someone please tell me what Bradshaw said?

I started getting many more calls a couple of months after signing up for the governments Do Not Call list.  

I worked 80 hour weeks for years for an environmental testing company. They had purchased a new instrument to test that would replace older equipment. I worked like a slave to develop the methods necessary for accurate dependable results. The free time I did have I often used to research and read about the

You can’t even imagine my gratitude for a distraction from the shitshow that life has become lately.  That little guy is wonderful, smooshing his face into the pumpkin.  

Damn good question.  

Thanks for the encouragement and I will try again.  

No I haven’t messed with the settings.  I wish game developers would put a setting in games for casual players.  I’m 62 and I don’t think at this point I’m going to suddenly “git gud.”  I really love the adventure, the exploration in an open world game but I can’t tell you the number of games I’ve quit out of

I didn’t know there even were sharks in AC Origins....

Thanks; I just spit coffee.

I couldn’t get past that Cenote sequence so I don’t think you have to worry. I guess I just don’t have the reflexes or the patience anymore. I die about 10 or 12 times and I get so frustrated I just quit on the game. I couldn’t be anymore specific without possibly spoiling the game and I don’t want to be “that

This is what we’ve come to?  They aren’t even trying to hide the bribes anymore.  Every “christian” that voted for this man, that continues to support him despite the daily revelations just how cruel and dishonest he has become, can rot in their fictional hell for all I care.  Honestly I’m starting to believe Drumpf

Thank you.  

I’m from South Dakota and I agree 100%.  The fewer representatives these dipshits have the better for the rest of the country.  You just can’t imagine unless you live here awhile.  

I feel sorry for the portion of our population that don’t get this reference.  That shit was gold.  

I won’t be buying anything “additional” as there’s a good chance I’ll never see it anyway.  I was disappointed in the new game.  Fair warning- there are several places in the game where you can get “stuck.”  There’s no way to go on UNLESS you were smart enough to use all three save positions.  I’m not great at games


Thank you!