

I hear you, but I don’t think I could use a weapon so I won’t go that far.

Never afraid. Just very motivated. We need to encourage people to vote. We need to get this country back to one we can be proud of again. This man (never my president) needs to be help accountable for nothing less than treason.

“Regulations? We don’t need no stinkin’ regulations!”

I’m really starting to hate cops. If they won’t hold other members of their “profession” responsible I have little respect for the rest. It’s not difficult. I’ve been involved in literally hundreds of situations involving restraint. I’ve never hurt anyone. Do they even receive training in non-violent


Thank you. You learn something every day, at least I seem to. Now if you could just help with the flea beetles in my garden...

I thought storms in the Pacific were typhoons? I guess I better do some reading.

More available funds to steal, which is what they’ve been doing since they elected their candidates. I still believe religion is most of the problem. There is a large population of fundamentalists who would overlook anything from this administration as long as it brings on the “end times” that much sooner.

Not on the surface at least. I’m betting below ground is a happy place.

What a whiny little bitch.

I have considered moving to Colorado, how did you know? Seriously, I had that “talent” when I was in college but today I stick with the produce. My wife keeps pushing me towards the local farmer’s market, but to be honest I’d rather share than turn a profit.

I like the cut of your jib!

Practiced a few times with the original, just to get out the cobwebs (Dark Souls) It was like getting back on a bike. I was thinking maybe I “got gud.” Started back with Remastered and got wrecked. I can’t get past the Taurus Demon. Maybe I’m past my prime.

Some days it really helps to know there are others that feel the same way. Thank you. Living in a Red state can be excruciating.

Seriously, thank you. I believe that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me online.

Or we could just enact sensible gun control and eliminate a good part of the problem. One thing I have never understood is our constant need to place the shooter into a “celebrity” status by posting their name and picture on every news channel. I wonder sometimes if that can’t be a factor in a few of these cases.

That was my point.