
A really interesting article. It really hit home with me as during my walk this weekend I actually came across not one but two dead screws on the path I walk. It was a little strange to find an animal I’ve never seen in my lifetime and then about a mile away find yet another.

One of our best Presidents in my opinion. At the very least, he “walks his talk.”

We are so screwed.


There seems to be a huge number of these this year. I’ve seen literally hundreds in my back yard.

Thanks for the encouragement, I just might. I had such a problem with contamination from mold it was extremely frustrating. I wish I could share my “glovebox” story. I’ve been saving it for years but I just don’t trust the net. Between that and my cannabis Santa story I’m dying to share.

We can hope.

I would go in a minute if I could afford it. It must be nice to live in the civilized world.

It’s more than a little difficult to “find” some when you’re 60 years of age and living in the midwest. As a younger man I tried to grow them but I had a real problem with contamination (molds.) But thank you for asking.

I’ve suffered from depression most of my life, since I was a teenager. It’s a damn shame I can’t have a chance to experience a relief from this illness for even a short while because society doesn’t consider a natural remedy “lawful.” They would rather sell us poison that causes a multitude of harmful side effects

I believe you are right.

Totally. They even refer to Native Americans as Prairie N*****s.

If you think this is an isolated incident, you’re fooling yourself. South Dakota treats the native population with little respect and has done so for generations. As long as the rest of the country spends money here, attending the Sturgis Rally and the numerous tourist traps, nothing will ever change.

Really wanted the new game but I’m having a hassle with Amazon right now and I won’t give them any new business. Be careful of the One Click settings. They turn it on “automatically” for some reason.

Interesting. I just stepped over a large female on the walking path this morning. I considered stepping on it but then I realized it was no danger to me. I’m hoping the karma works for me in the future.

Thank you!

No problems. I could probably have said it better. Honestly I was shocked by how many of these massacres I’d never heard of and I thought I was pretty well informed.

I hope you are replying to the idiot that claimed it was a battle. I said it was a massacre. The state of South Dakota prefers to call slaughtering women and children a “battle.”

Thank you Drew for saying what needed to be said in a manner so much better than I could have.

I’m really surprised (and yet I guess I’m not) that I had never heard of most of these. The only one I was aware of is the Wounded Knee Massacre, which my state prefers to call a “battle,” where 150 men, women and children were slaughtered by US troops.