
Really easy to say the problem “isn’t health insurance” if you currently have some. Tell that to the millions of uninsured and those who soon will be. These bastards are heartless.

Fixed, yeah until the next one. Flipping goggle won’t even let me go to half the sites I click on because I’m still running Windows XP. Now they can’t even protect their own property. Time to get off the goggle train.

Isn’t that easier to do if you don’t live in a crappy little town in a rural state? If I don’t preorder the games I really want, I might never see a copy. I will give you one point of agreement though; I’m a lot more careful about preorders after the turd that was No Man’s Sky.

5 hours to go. I’m hoping it’s good.

“Resolve?” It looks more like constipation.

No thank you. I have the same thing already on the Bowflex I bought and never use.

No thank you. I have the same thing already on the Bowflex I bought and never use.

Never underestimate the intelligence of other people. I had a kid once that could sit and play almost any video game for hours on end. He almost finished Ninja Gaiden when it was just out. We put him in the cell once for acting out and he approached me about twenty minutes later after taking part of the door apart

That’s bullshit and you know it. I worked in corrections for almost half my career and was involved in literally hundreds of restraints. No one has to get injured. You can restrain and control another person without injuring them by following procedure and taking a little care.

It’s all bullshit, I wouldn’t be surprised to know they’re “in on it.” I know that sounds like typical internet conspiracy theory but at this point very little seems outlandish to me. I’m stuck in a red state and every day I have to interact with people that probably voted for this dipshit and it infuriates me. I

I have to say I’m not surprised in the least. It’s three card monte, just another con from a man who loves the con. Watch the investigation into collusion with Russia stall and fizzle out, buried in cries from the Alt-Right to support the “president.” If this turd actually cared for children he wouldn’t be stealing

Deflect and distract; just another con game. Three card monte on a global scale.

Maybe they’re starting to realize; he lies, it’s what he does. I have zero sympathy for anyone in a similar situation.

Ours is killing many more with his disregard for healthcare and cuts to vital programs needed by those with little means. So I guess you could say he’s going for quantity over quality. If he thought he could get away with using an anti-aircraft cannon he probably would.

I still go on Youtube for gaming videos but I avoid the comment sections. A lower form of life just can’t be found on the internet. I’m sure most of the “people” commenting are grade-schoolers home sick but it still just kills the soul to read the hatred and the lies posted there. I’ve seen some really awful videos

I saw this sort of crap all the time when I was working in Corrections in South Dakota. There are just some people that get into the field because they enjoy intimidating and having power over others. My very first week at Sky Ranch for Boys I was sitting with my group in the lunch room and observed a 14 year old in

Social Security funded his college.

What the hell is a cuck?

Horizon is the best game I’ve played in years. Just a perfect package with everything I enjoy, the exploration, the drive to see what’s in the next valley, the gradual reward of building a stronger character and knowing you can finish the damn game eventually. Seriously, this game was just what I needed after

I wish.

I’m sort of glad I never applied. I hope things get much better for you.