
Only when it benefits them. Hypocrites.

Unfortunately the press is playing right into his tiny little orange hands. I’m starting to believe he’s actually smarter than I would have believed. He spends a great deal of his time repeating lies and accusing the media of bias, intentionally keeping them off balance. They’re so glad to get a minute’s reprieve

Thank you so much for saying that.

This. Exactly this.

That’s one I won’t be googling.

You have a correction. Shouldn’t it be “most days” instead of “some days?”

Believe what you want. I know what I saw in an old house in a small town not 30 miles away from LUX, a giant vat of xenon in South Dakota. It changed my mind on a few things and also gave me a measure of peace. Science doesn’t have all the answers. It sure beats the alternatives though, case in point the current

I gave up halfway through. The entire “survey” is biased and worded to come out how they wanted. I’m not wasting the time on an administration that won’t work for ALL the people.

“Fortunately for me?” You don’t know my circumstances and you are clearly delusional. Drumpf is actually no one’s president. He’s in this for himself, his rich friends and possibly Russia. If he would have at least tried to make an effort to be fair and reach across the aisle like President Obama did time after



I wonder if he’d consider a trade for a 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse with less than 30,000?

I’d read the article but I’m already much too aware of what will happen if i have a heart attack-I’ll die. As one of the millions left without any health insurance in Drumpf’s new regime, it isn’t up to me anymore. Thanks dipshits!

I’d really like to see everyone just get along. Drumpf and the pope are in the same business after all.

Why do you think she’s still with him?

Thanks. I wish games still came with manuals. You would think for the price we pay they could print a small booklet.


Overall I really like the game but i wish just once someone could explain the Ki pulse mechanic to me. I seem to do something right now and then, but it seems more of an “accident” than anything else. I’ll keep on trying things out but it seems like such a basic skill should be easier to understand.

I’m not sure what it’s like in larger airports but I applied and was accepted for a position at TSA in our local airport. I was actually impressed with the testing and the interview and vetting but the training was a joke. I quit soon after.

Good. Drumpf has really brought out the low-lifes. I was never impressed with Pee Pee Pie or whatever he calls himself but it’s funny how some people consider this election an opportunity to show their “true colors.”