
I wish you’d told me 25 years ago.

Go Pack!

Dimwit is an understatement.

“for a better safety net for those who need help” Okay, NOW I know this is bullshit. The conservatives have actually hired people to post BS on online sites. Hey, it worked during the election. Seriously, is anyone buying this hogwash. A better safety net? Have you ever heard such crap?

Will ANY of these work in a PS4. I just spent $100 on a pair of gold wireless headphones that interfere with my freakin controllers.

Will ANY of these work in a PS4. I just spent $100 on a pair of gold wireless headphones that interfere with my

So depressed right now. I can’t even get past that Pope dude. Although I do spin around a lot in between him beating me to a pulp (it’s just not intentional.)

Any idea what happened to this game?

Guess who won’t be buying cookies from this organization?

While at the same time flipping this country a huge bird. Fuck Julian Assange. I’m surprised Drumpf hasn’t found a position for him yet in his administration.

Sorry. Just figured this was yet another area I can’t get out of the greys, despite respectful posts and having been a supporter for years now.

This. And surprised anyone reads Gizmodo anymore, you never take anyone out of the greys.

As a Packers fan, thank you for that. It was a great game and I enjoy watching games where both sides give it their best. Sportsmanship is sadly lacking anymore.

I saw the name of the first one and laughed so hard I snorked. Then I read what was inbolved and I threw up a little. People are weird.

I had a friend in high school (we all did) who started the oven for a pizza, saw the pilot was out and went to get a lighter, got distracted and took another hit off a roach he found next to the lighter, went back to the kitchen, bent over and went to light the pilot and BOOM -blew himself across the kitchen. I saw

After playing Bloodborne for the last 6 months I decided to go back to Dark Souls 3 and get caught up should the second DLC ever drop. Immediately got my ass handed to me in spots of the game that had never been a problem for me. It’s amazing how different the play action can be for both games. Dark Souls 3 feels

“(at this point I’m thinking the most noxious “Bernie Bros” I encountered were fakes trying divide us).” This. I said this during the election and I still believe it.

I’d love to, but Windows 10 bricked one of laptops and made the other slow as hell. I had a “great time” getting rid of it and putting 7 back on. I wouldn’t go through that again for anything.

Having worked in corrections for over 16 years, you don’t know (or maybe you do) how true that statement really is.

Best thing I’ve seen written on this fiasco so far. Just knowing someone else feels the very same way I do gives me a tiny amount of hope for the first time in weeks. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I also lost my home in the “housing crisis.” I had lost my job the previous year. I haven’t been able to afford healthcare since. Because I live in a red state I haven’t even had the opportunity to have any choice in the matter. We all knew the republicans didn’t give a shit about helping the poorest Americans and