
Bullshit. And I think you know it. Just more lies.

THIS! I’ve been struggling to encourage others to avoid anything to do with Drumpf. Boycott everything and hit him in the only place it hurts-his ego.

You give me hope for the species.

Anything about Little Nightmares?

Wait and pick it up on sale. I waited years for it but it’s just not worth full price.

I’ve been really looking forward to Little Nightmares but now you seem to hear little about it.

You have so much more class than I do. I wanted to just vent but saw your civil and courteous response and thought better of it. Thank you!

Go Pack!

I hear you. I ask the same thing every day. I live in a small college town in a red state. Luxury apartments going up like gangbusters and I’m wondering who’s going to live in them.

Yes! I really needed to hear that. Stuck in a red state and starting to think I’m alone in the world.

It had much more to do with the color of his skin than his political affiliation. The republican’ts said flat out they were going to screw with him from day one and that’s the only thing they ever got done.

What really sucks is that anyone would even “google” this. We live in a world so ignorant that someone could grow up not knowing? This is the world we’ve created by letting the “fringe” make the rules. There NOT two sides to every story; there’s the truth and the bullshit. This election should have showed us that.

There’s always hope in these situations. My father’s heart stopped for over 45 minutes and the techs at Ellsworth AFB were able to do CPR that entire time and bring him back. We had another 10 more years together thanks to their efforts.

Thanks for something to look forward to.

Thanks Drumpf!

Well said.

“Come on, he was the most respectful, honorable individual and president of our generation, and where did it get him? They treated him like dog shit.”

Republicans need to make up their minds. Either they want smaller government and more personal freedom or they want to control every aspect of our lives, including who we love and how we act in the privacy of our own homes. Besides, wouldn’t this block every image of the president-elect that pops up on the internet?

Thank you so much. Your response is the first thing I’ve read since the election that gives me some hope. I really like the cut of your jib!

I honestly would not be disappointed at this point. Sorry, I’m still terribly depressed from recent events.