
I read the review and watched a playthrough on Youtube. That was enough to convince me to put off the purchase.

Honestly, just to screw with someone’s fun? I’m not a Pokemon fan and I keep seeing stories where participants are walking into traffic and such, but what a douche.

Dark Souls 3 was the game that won me over. Well, that and Bloodborne but I haven’t even spent more than an hour on that one. If they screw with the release again I’m going to be disappointed.

Meh. Another multi-player shooter? These gaming companies are “shooting themselves in the foot.” They are losing a huge base that want the adventure Metroid used to provide.

Because nothing says freedom in America like a suppression of ideas.

Actually I think it was “too late” before Bernie even ran, but at least we could have told our kids we tried.

“Ugh.” This pretty much says it all regarding the RNC.

Thank you. I was disappointed when it hadn’t come out for the PS4 yet, but now I can move on to something else.

The worst part is these people are breeding. I’m not sure a lot of these people should be referring to themselves as “christian.”

As in “we are the Knights who say- NEE!”

What happened to Necropolis for PS4?

Yes, this. Xbox is much easier.

God, I wish I had said that. Thank you.

You could pick up my Specialized Hard Rock pretty cheap. It’s been hanging in the garage for two years.

Chill. I didn’t say it was anyone’s fault.

It figures as soon as I “moved up” to a PS4 I wouldn’t be able to find games for it.

Meh. I’ve already deleted the demo and forgotten about the game. I just didn’t find it scary or interesting. I guess it takes all types and whatever floats your boat. I loved the first game but I’m afraid the series has jumped the shark.

I wish more than anything I wouldn’t have let Microsoft put 10 on two of my laptops. They are both slow as hell now and I’m thinking about wiping them and going back to XP or 7. The new OS is really invasive and seems to hang a lot.

A few weeks ago Vast Broadband (avoid them at all costs) decided to screw with the cable lineup and eliminated HBO-E. Which means I can no longer watch Real Time in real time (live) and I have to wait until 10 PM on a Sunday to watch Game of Thrones. I went back and forth, asking them and HBO why they would screw

I hope you are talking about Sir Pounce. I’m hoping he wins the Iron Throne. They could do worse.