
My second year of college I moved into an old house with a roommate. It was a house that had been one of the original stores in this town, until it was cut in half and made into two houses. I had a small room in the back and from the first week I noticed several things that seemed unusual. My things were constantly

Thank you for the interesting article. I agree with most of your points but I disagree with with most of the reviews on DSII. I really wanted to like this game. I loved the first DS. But I really think they let us down with this version. Before you start slamming me for being a pussy or "not OG enough," I'll tell

There are a lot more of these superfund sites than people realize. I tested for contaminants for almost 20 years and you would certainly be surprised. Some of the samples were worse than the chemicals we worked with in the lab.

You can theorize all you want. I just went through the death of two of my best friends of 18 years and I know for a fact they understood more than most people. Animals are capable of love and they show it unconditionally, something the vast majority of our species is incapable of.

They couldn't find a real "little person?"

Having a bad day? Or maybe you're one of the punks on Youtube. I can go where ever I want to go on the Net. If people were more civil it would be better for all of us. But the anonymity allows the weak and cowardly to make snarky comments so I guess we have that. I'm betting if we were in the same room you

I wish every country would block Youtube; it's become a gathering place for the trolls of the Internet. Nothing but stupid comments and grade school children talking about conspiracy theories.

The offline mode is the only way I'll play. And THIS is exactly why. It seems to bring out the 13 year old in some of these dicks to allow this kind of interaction. I'll beat this game like I beat the original Dark Souls, completely without help, before I'll give them the satisfaction. It seems like the only way

Is "screen tearing" when different sections look "brighter?" And they flash? Because I've seen that a few times.

Well I wonder why I didn't get it. I wasn't rude or curt with customer service, I was just frustrated. After the UPS guy threw my last order against the front door I was pissed but Amazon won't use Fedex or USPS exclusively. I'm sorry I said that about kickbacks I'm just a little irate at Amazon right now.

At this point, I wouldn't. I can't think of a better ending to a worse species. We've done a really poor job of taking care of this planet. Honestly, I think it deserves "better."

Just my opinion. I would be telling you if it was any different. I wanted Prime service to work, its a great idea, but I won't lie about my experience with Amazon. I've spent hours on the phone and in emails and it's like they can't understand or something. I've given them every opportunity to fix things. I think

Bullshit. I've contacted customer service on numerous occasions and all I ever get is a runaround. I'm guessing you get kickbacks from Amazon. Go ahead and grey my response because from what I've seen you don't allow a different viewpoint. I was more than prepared to "sing Amazon's praises" but after two years of

I was wondering the same thing. I wailed on those suckers; I don't think you can kill them. Or that damn salamander.

I agree and I loved Dark Souls.

It isn't going to happen. I'm not renewing for $79 or $99 or even $9. I've been screwed by Amazon all year with the Prime. I've had orders lost, orders delivered late and really crappy customer service. Amazon can suck it.

No, no glaring issues and I'm liking it more as I go on. But I miss the "weight" of the previous character. I guess I'll get used to it. I really like the better AI on the enemy but I probably won't the first time I face a Black Knight. Thanks again and I hope the game treats you well.

Thanks, I just figured that out but I thank you for the help. I read a few places that you "burn" effigies in the bonfire but you just "use" them like the flask. I just killed that yellow knight so I was grateful for the "extra" life.

Thanks. And thanks for not flaming me. A lot of people don't like any criticism of Dark Souls. So I expected the same for the sequel. Dark Souls is my favorite game and that goes for the decades I've been playing. But DS II seems hinky to me. Like the character is weightless or something. I have to admit I was

Really starting to hate this game (again) as I can't seem to get my life bar back. I've tried burning an effigy but it keeps saying I can't do that. I'm going to piss someone off but tough. The original game was easily the better game. The control just doesn't feel "right" and this bullshit of 'halving" your