

Great reasoning. where are you when I'm being ganged up on by the gun nuts?

Really going to miss that show....

Go Ravens!

I knew this guy was an ass after the playoff game with the Packers. He could have tried to be humble but instead he demonstrated poor sportsmanship.

It's same old same old, the "Right" just wants to fling a little shit and see if anything sticks. They've been doing it since Obama took office and they have made some headway among the "easily influenced." This Benghazi thing has been beat like a dead horse because it started as a distraction during the campaign

No matter what you think about Richard Hoagland , (The Enterprise Mission) I believe he had the answer to that question- the water went underground. I don't think I'll be with them but someday cavers are going to be having the time of their life on Mars.

They do? I guess I just don't listen...