Well tbf. He said he was asked after Jim died and Brian is the main guy is he not? So that seems to jive with his version, and is the daughter even part of the business? That post seems strangely bitter. But that’s not my business.
Well tbf. He said he was asked after Jim died and Brian is the main guy is he not? So that seems to jive with his version, and is the daughter even part of the business? That post seems strangely bitter. But that’s not my business.
My Mom & Dad would stop what they were doing and watch it with me because they loved the grownup stuff they threw in.
This is one of those situations where it’s really easy to know whose side you’re supposed to be on. It’s not Disney’s.
When I was a kid, we had a tiny TV with 2-3 channels and we didn’t make much use of it(other than renting a VCR every couple months when we could afford it), but you better be sure we watched The Muppet Show every Friday(I think Friday?) night.
Fuck that show. It was terrible. It was terrible because the muppets were completely out of character. And also because it was a wannabe mashup of the office and 30 rock, but with Muppets instead of people.
I was a child when The Muppet Show originally aired on TV and I fucking ADORED it. My Mom & Dad would stop what they were doing and watch it with me because they loved the grownup stuff they threw in.
To be fair, the reason I didn’t watch the new Muppet show was because the commercials made it look like they were all acting out of character...
No, it doesn’t suggest “a degree of detachment that one would not feel if one was brutally raped,” both because there isn’t one singular way that people deal with being raped, because I don’t actually think making art out of one’s trauma suggests “detachment” at all (I mean, do you also think Maya Angelou wasn’t raped…
Well, she had been raped in 2012 and did the art thing in 2014, so a couple years is enough time to develop some detachment to reflect on the experience.
Doesn’t this suggest a degree of detachment that one would not feel if one was brutally raped?
A small percentage of rape reports are false; most studies put it around 3-8%. Most rapists also lie about whether or not they raped someone. So there’s (generously) a 92% chance that the victim is telling the truth and this guy is a rapist. I feel those are good odds.
just because it was part of her senior thesis didn’t mean she fabricated it. People process trauma differently; she wanted to bring attention to it. Why is that hard to grasp?
IMHO I think the problem is that colleges are investigating and closing rape cases to begin with. There are actual government agencies that have the responsibility and the power to investigate crimes and they’re not in the loop. I have no idea who was on the investigative team but if it was a panel of social workers,…
“Why? What is the point of any investigation if you don’t respect the answers they come to?”
Huh. I thought the university newspaper, the Spectator, were the first ones to publicly name him. At least they said they were.
The university didn’t investigate and declare “Oh, a rape took place but this person was not the culprit.” The university looked at the case and then told the woman “You weren’t raped, there was no crime committed here.” It’s real easy to get lower crime statistics if you just call every murder a suicide and say…
It’s nice to see Columbia continue their commitment to handling things in a way that will piss off the maximum number of people.
I’m confused. So Columbia settled because Sulkowicz did such an amazing PR job in drawing attention to her case?
Maybe I don’t get how university life works, since I haven’t lived on campus, but his experience only became hard when he outed himself as the rapist. Emma, for her part, never publicly accused him of the crime.