Weary World

Definitely pregnant and great gown for pregwear

I will not be dissuaded from stating that Ms. Christie looks freaking incredible.

Keira Knightley does an amazing job of being extremely thin and still looking healthy. Jealous.

Uhhhh is Gina Torres going to be in GoT???

Last week I had to go to a meeting in Houston in a suit and tie, when I got to the conference room (sweating like a pig from walking to the building), the people there were in polo shirts.

So like... Baelish is looking very fine on the red carpet and that makes me feel very strange.

I was going to ask “WHERE IS TORMUND?!?” but luckily I searched the comments first. I’m very distraught that I didn’t get to see my ginger love looking dapper on the red carpet.

It’s kinda funny that you mentioned Atonement with Gemma’s dress, since Maisie’s is basically a knock off of the iconic green dress from that movie

Poo. I need my six and a half feet of testosterone fix.

OMG, I just came to say this. I love me some Tormund!

Where, oh where, is my beloved Tormund??

Jorah is upsettingly attractive. *fans self*

I met Gwendoline Christie a few years ago at one of my convention things. She’s the SWEETEST, and SO TALL! My friend and I concluded she is an elfin queen, that’s how lithe and ethereal and delicate she is. Plus, funny story - Starbucks had mangled my friend’s name on the cup (BridJet, because honestly, how difficult

Sophie Turner looks like she’s wearing a Big-and-Tall T-shirt. Still looks good, though.

I’m extremely disappointed that Rory McCann wasn’t there a) at all and b) in a kilt. That’s all.

Julianne, darling, it’s been over 95° in LA for a week (this heatwave ends today). Let’s give them all credit for showing up in suits and gowns, no matter how informal. I’d have been schvitzing if I had to get trussed up in anything beyond a T- shirt and shorts!

This actually happened right down the street from where I work in Downtown L.A. So we walked down a block and tried to get a glimpse at the rails right outside Disney Concert Hall. But since we were lowly civilians, they quickly made us move to guard rails across the busy street. We could barely see any of the

I read “Final” in the headline and briefly panicked before remembering there’s one more season. With supposedly movie length episodes.