Wait wait, so to be “mature and live in the real world”, one must accept the fact they’re going to be harassed? Especially over something so trivial as a non-threatening sexual kink? That’s some Grade-A victim blaming right there.
Wait wait, so to be “mature and live in the real world”, one must accept the fact they’re going to be harassed? Especially over something so trivial as a non-threatening sexual kink? That’s some Grade-A victim blaming right there.
Definition of bully
Are they influencing him? Yes, influencing him to deactivate and limit his presence online. You answered your own question.
How does this NOT constitute bullying and harassment? I’d love to know, especially since you’re the one who should have no problem explaining his position.
That’s cool if you want to redefine bullying for your own purposes, but this man is still being harassed by an online mob because of his sexual tendencies.
As someone who studies cultural anthropology and took several human sexuality classes this is seriously the biggest non-issue I’ve ever heard of. A foot fetish could be one of the most common kinks out there.
Well no, you shouldn’t be comfortable with that person telling you to burn in hell; they’re an asshole. Lots of people are assholes on the internet, the ones who do it while smugly proclaiming their intellectual superiority as evidenced by lack of participation in organized religion are Internet Atheists. They get a…
She cut up a vintage gown to make THAT MONSTROSITY. I am with you.
I’m still mad about Andie’s dress in Pretty in Pink.
Well you look like you are having a blast!
Ugh, was my prom a mess. I was dating a guy who told me he was 22 but was actually 28 (I’m grossed out just thinking about it). I was 17, 16 when we met. He kept trying to be weirdly controlling but it just didn’t fly because I didn’t get why he was so whiny when he was supposed to be the mature one. A few weeks…
In my understanding, Internet Atheists are a little demeaning of any and all beleivers. I say this as an athiest myself, but one who was raised in a church and whose family members are largely still faithful; I don’t believe in a god but I don’t disrespect those who do. There’s a way to explore and discuss faith and…
The year was 2011 (I’m a youngun). I found this beautifully awful thing at a vintage clothing store (for like $10) and instantly knew it’d be perfect for the masquerade-themed sophomore prom. And y’know, as goofy as I knew the giant bow was and is, and as terrible a length as it is, I still felt like a million bucks.
If they actually try and implement a Laptop ban in the US, it is going to cause some significant harm to airlines when it comes to business travel.
Funny enough I am agnostic and on certain days have my own little views on god. My wife is an atheist. I don’t give a shit about anyone’s religion or how we raise our future kids. My wife has very strong opinions and it bothers her that I entertain the thought that god might exist. All of that to say, in relationships…
I’m not sure, but I bet at some point they all walk into a bar.