Weary World

So, I met a guy at a book club last month, and in the chit-chat beforehand, we talked about how his kid is just finishing up with his first year of law school (I am an attorney, 3/4 of the people in the room were either attorneys or spouses of attorneys, it was a natural topic). We went through about four rounds of

My wife was a guest at The Harvard Club in NYC.

“This week, they were ejected”

I’m sure that New York lawyer suing over a one-time all female showing of Wonder Woman will be all over this. Right? Right?

I’m not sure if this makes me a feminist but I believe that women have just as much of a right to be snobbish elitist douche bags as men do.

Whatever happens, it’s always the woman’s fault in a country that denies abortion for any reason. Pretty sure their logic goes along with the American Christian “Taliban”.

Every time I get caught up in how bad things are in the US right now, I find it far too easy to forget how there are so many places in the world that have it far, far worse. I am embarrassed that I have to be reminded of that from time to time. The absolute hopelessness that humans have to face is our greatest shame

So since we care about law and order so much there’s definitely an investigation into who raped her, and that guy is going to be arrested, yes?

KEEP HANDS TO SELF, it’s a simple fucking rule. Keep...Hands...To...Self. Christ, why is this so hard!?

So I’m betting we’ll eventually be getting a pitiful statement about “sin” with a lot of Jesusing. Or he’ll just call her a lying slut.

“Hey, by any chance, was the Uber driver in this case wearing a sleeveless dress or blouse?” 

Why, why, WHY won’t the terrible and formulaic Kitchen Nightmares come back? (Iloveitso!)

“Who’s telling the truth here?”

Toddlers can be quick when they want to be. It’s not like their clothes are hard to take off anyways most of them have snaps or velcro. Even if the kid is wearing pants usually the leg holes are large enough to fit their foot though even with shoes. I think these people need to get Gordon Ramsey in if he is still

As some pointed out above:

I had to staff an arts and crafts table for children a while ago, and the level of indulgence some parents showed their mini children was astounding. They’re five to seven; it does not matter if their 5-minute craft is a masterpiece. Make something fun and move on! From children who had never been given a

As a mother, I offer my opinon that those crunchy motherfuckers let their dirty footed, bare-assed, obnoxiously personal-space-invading little shits run rampant all over their stupid fucking vegan restaurant. And I am positive the 1yo bent over to pick up a stray tofu-o from the ground sharing her butthole for all to

Well, since the versions pretty much align, it would seem they’re both telling the truth from their perspectives.

That is a really delicious beef they’re working on.

I love Harry Potter as much as the next guy, but it’s full of ideas that would be extremely terrible in real life. The Sorting Hat and the tribalism associated with the Hogwarts Houses are two of them.