Weary World


This site sort-of confirms the 5-0 connection, and lists the Simon and Simon connection, but it’s the Murder She Wrote connection that blows my mind.

It’s true their characters were supporting roles to the primary plot line which is, of course, the burgeoning romance between McGarrett and Danny. But, really, every role is secondary to that storyline.

I don’t think this is apocryphal, and it happened while I was still in short-pants, but I believe Magnum PI was technically a continuation of the original Hawaii Five-0 or at least in the Hawaii Five-0verse.

So even after a “large and significant salary increase”, they still weren’t going to be on par?

Getting a big raise when a show re-negotiates in the 6th or 7th year is normal, so CBS doesn’t get brownie points for that. In a show like this where the alleged supporting characters have had their roles beefed up over the years into something more approaching a true ensemble, CBS is trying to get off on the cheap

I had the biggest crush on Kim when he was on LOST. It was like his hair grew out with those curls and the clouds parted and rays of sunshine came down.

In name, I don’t think so. (Which is probably the problem.) In practice, yes.

A CSI-Macgyver-Hawaii Five-O crossover would make me quit, too

I think you could make that argument when the show started, but they’ve become much more than supporting in recent years and I think that’s why this is an issue now and wasn’t when they started.

never watched this show but good on them for walking away. CBS can suck it. They can pay sheen and kutcher what like, twenty million, but cant be bothered to pay actors that appear to be positive, diverse role models?

I hope they’re able to find more work. They’re both so fantastic. And beautiful. God are they beautiful.

I’ve been clicking around for the last 5 minutes looking for a non-existent link.

How can you claim inexperience when you have an expert telling you that many of the objects may have been seized illegally?

If the corporation is so closely-held that the owners’ religious beliefs are part of the company because “the owners are the company,” shouldn’t the owners face criminal charges for this? Wasn’t it their decision to engage in this illegal activity?

Just so I’m clear, Hobby Lobby can act like a natural person (i.e. a human, not a business entity) with personal religious beliefs for purposes of the ACA, but magically becomes a major corporation is that is difficult to prosecute criminally because of the lack of specific intent, dispersed agency, etc. [my guess]?


I love that people (yes that’s right people) can do illegal shit in the name of a company, which inadvertently helped fund isis... and get off with a fine

Hobby Lobby is just a straight up cartoon villain corporation now, isn’t it?


Oops! The Bible used by Hobby Lobby must have been mistranslated to say “Thou shalt not use birth control” instead of “Thou shalt not steal”.

A smarter company would have claimed that they were “trying to preserve cultural artefacts in a time of turbulence”, and that they were returning them “now that the region seems to be nearing stability”. It’d be a blatant lie, but I bet they’d have won some good PR there, instead of looking like a pack of looters.