Weary World

She also raises a ton of money for the party. I know, I know, money is the devil. CORPORATE INTERESTS!!! ELITISM!!! WALL STREET!!! But that’s how the sausage is made. There’s not going to be a lot of love from the Democrats for any one trying to primary her.

I didn’t think I would, but I actually agree..

My initial thought was “silly tumblr-millenials” when I first saw this, but people saying the kid should be taken away is a million times more bothersome. The DCFS and Family Courts are so overstuffed with families in real crisis (drugs, abuse, neglect), that it’s insulting to suggest that these people should be

She’s in a weird position of nobody really liking her as the party stagnates, while probably being one of the only strong figures keeping the party from falling into shambles.

She got it passed. And I’m certain that almost everyone of those dems that voted against it had her permission to do so, only after she knew she had the needed votes. Meanwhile on the Senate side they ran it through every committee and delayed it until everyone had a chance to line up their opposition to it, and had

Pretty sure she’s just pointing out how inane, annoying, and overblown these gender reveal parties are and how much she would like to not have to attend them in the future.

Which illnesses are you thinking of ?Menstrual cramps were my first gender specific issue and imagine that by the time you hit puberty you know how you identify or what to tell your doctor.

What about them? It’s not as if the parents have said they won’t tell doctors if the baby has a penis or not. You can say that without the gender labels.

A conservative radio talk show host yesterday posted this story (with a link from The Blaze, UGH) with the comment that the child should be removed from their parent’s custody immediately. It was horrifying the number of commenters who agreed with him.

That gender underdetermined baby can get health care 22 odd million Americans won’t have AND will be able to use the bathroom of their choice. I hope Trump reads this story and his head explodes, since I hear he likes reading about babies in other countries while ignoring his own.

I’d like to know who they think could primary Pelosi. As a resident of her district, I can assure you that no one could ever beat her. Not that she is the most popular politician, but Whomever runs will have 30% of the people hate them. there is no politician remotely popular enough to win.

If they think they’ve got the organizational clout to push out Feinstein and Pelosi why are *those* their targets when Darrell Issa, Dana Rohrbacher, and Devin Nunes are still walking around with (R-CA) by their names?

And people of color?

Among the other stupidities, Pelosi has actually been an incredibly effective legislator at controlling her caucus and getting things done. Her problem was the Senate. Is she a great campaigner for other Dems? Not really, but she’s never been the top of the ticket either.

This is just an ego project for them. The culture they inhabit leads to an awful lot of misplaced arrogance and an exaggerated sense of self-importance. They’ll throw some money around I’m sure, it’s not like Silicon Valley has any shortage of people throwing money at their compatriots “disruptive ideas”, but they

To start, the group will query supporters on two campaigns: Whether or not they believe engineering degrees should be free to all Americans, and if they oppose lawmakers who don’t call for Trump’s immediate impeachment.

Calling the mainstream democratic party not centrist enough is one of the more absurd political views I have heard this year.

Sigh........these dumbshits just don’t get it.

“I’m fearful the Democratic Party is already moving too far to the left,”

A lot of fast food places time the service. If your times go up on average, management can come down on the store, the managers, and the employees. No raises, staff cuts, etc.