Weary World

Well, that’s the point. She wasn’t begging him out of any “larger scheme” on her part. She did it because she was desperate to end the abuse she suffered at Ramsays hands. Theon “recovers” himself like so many male characters do: By the trauma of a helpless woman. Sansa isn’t saved by a character development of her

Yes! The stark difference between a woman raped on screen, and women being raped all over the world is that the former is done for entertainment purposes. The medium is the message. And when a woman is violently raped, and then we cut to commercial, or simply other scenes, the psyche has no time to integrate the

I think the best critique of this scene isn’t that Sansa was raped, but that Jon Snow and Sam Tarley were not. You know, because this show is all about “realism” but male rape doesn’t exist because the audience would feel uncomfortable with dudes being raped on screen.

Yes, it happens all the time. So does piss-poor story-telling.

So they went from fridging a minor character to redeem Theon to fridging one of the protagonists of the show to redeem Theon. How is that any better? Hell, Littlefinger letting Sansa get married to Ramsey in the first place is completely out of character for him mainly because of the fact that he doesn’t know much

That was what made the Cersei and Jamie in the crypt rape the worst for me. She had not, explicitly, been subjected to sexual assault, and her motivations were much more complex in reaction to her place in society as a woman... and then, it became all muddy with that rape. :( And the lack of sexual assault has been

There’s really no comparison between what happens in the book and what happens in the show, and I don’t know why people continue to bring up “But it was worse in the books!” It’s literally an entirely different situation. And also, it doesn’t matter if it was worse in the books...we’re not talking about the books.

People complain about the show all the time, but thank GOD the Farya storyline was omitted. If they think Sansa had nothing to do NOW, try reading the endless Alayne chapters. Same with Fageon.

How exactly was the viewer supposed to identify with Sansa, when the entire time it happened, the camera was close up on Theon’s face? He’s the one the viewer was told to sympathize with.

I can see them being a bit damned if you do, damned if you don’t. If the camera was left on Sansa, it could also look exploitative or gratuitous or even sexualized vs. violent. (People lobbed that complaint against Irreversible, but I don’t see it.) Even a psycho like Ramsay would know that he couldn’t treat someone

I felt like the chief objection to Sansa’s rape was that they panned the camera to Theon’s reaction, as if the trauma was his and not hers. In the long term, they did recover from that unfortunate directing choice and bear out the full weight of what Sansa went through from her POV. It’s still frustrating that most

So, she doesn’t get it. Not a shock. I imagine women in her position have to remain sycophantic to the male ‘geniuses’ surrounding them.

Isn’t the main critique not that it happened, but that it, like many other traumas female characters face, was shown through the eyes of a man, and that Sansas brutalization acted as a catalyst for THEON, not for her?

Of course, it’s a sensitive subject. And there is still such a taboo surrounding subjects like that and you don’t really see it portrayed onscreen that much.

Both responses, after saying how great it was to get a discussion about rape on screen going, seem to completely sidestep just what the discussion was about.

Documentary filmmaker here...why oh why didn’t they lock up the GD release forms? Your film lives and dies by those forms. Every project I work one, when there are releases involved, they get filed and stored securely off site. To prevent exactly this sort of thing from happening.

“Demopoulos claims the the interaction between Deen and the production assistant, “was all captured on security footage.”

I am not surprised that a rapist would steal.

What I can’t get past with the right is that the first prominent politician anywhere in the world to make a stand on climate change and point the finger at carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels. Was...

“Climate science, like other fields of science, is constantly changing. A new, fresh and transparent evaluation is something everyone should support doing.”