It must be hard to let go of loved ones, but this money could go to research or to help sick children the world over. I especially feel sorry for the mom as mitochondrial diseases are passed down through the mother.
What pisses me off most about President Dipshit inserting himself in this story is that per his proposed healthcare reform, the children suffering like that here at home would be left to die while their parents are saddled with a copious amount of medical debt.
He’s got his Terry Schiavo. All the credit of caring without any real attempt at assisting. How exploitive.
Well, their best and most popular personality has inexplicably not been on the air in half a year and just happens to be a woman, so I’m going to guess it’s the former.
You wouldn’t even have to do that to know it.
I’m finding it difficult to muster up much sympathy about this because I’m already fairly sure Fox wouldn’t kick anyone to the curb if they didn’t think they could gain by it.
One of the saddest aspects of this for Little Rock is how the community is responding (online via Facebook comments to the news reports) to the shooting. No love, no concern, no sympathy. Just a bunch of racist bible thumpers. I’ve seen a friend who lives in Little Rock comment about it saying “this doesn’t happen at…
Boy, it sure is a good thing we don’t have a gun problem in this country.
I’m fine with whitelisting and not using adblocker, but not if I can’t read the content...
I have long thought that Blue Ivy was a nice name unfairly lumped in with terrible celebrity baby names.
Sir? Now that’s setting up the kid to be a pretentious asshole.
If only the Hopital staff were armed we’d dajsdpodjqpojxaspoxjapcnacjacisacnaqaldkjqwpdjqpdojqxjXAXLAKJX;js;pxjaxjasoi
Phone sex and cam sites always try to make money by scamming their workers instead of the clients.
I was in middle school when the TV movie was shown and playing Lace was our favourite game. I can’t remember the details but one person alway got to say the famous line.
Shut up, Heather.
“This is NOT a change we want,” writes a commenter named Heather. “Why does ‘equality’ mean women have to look like or act like men?”
Old enough to remember when this aired. Was young enough to want to grow up to be Phoebe Cates. Like really badly.
1. I hate to be complainy about something y’all can’t control, but in mobile the ads make this practically unreadable. I get it, you want me to buy crackers, this makes me never want to touch a box of Good Thins.