Weary World

My very first RA in college led a sexual assault seminar for the dorm (it’s mandated at that school) and when she got to the part where she was talking about alcohol and consent her final word on it was “If you shouldn’t be driving, then you shouldn’t be fucking anyone.” And that always seemed, to me, like a nice way

DeMaario, as a man, is not allowed to be the victim of sexual assault in our culture, as we don’t generally see men that way. BUT AS A BLACK MAN HE IS ALWAYS SEEN AS THE RAPIST FIRST.

And with the descriptions we were given (she was the agressor, she put her lady parts in her face) if anyone was assaulted it was him. I’m actually really impressed at how well he’s handled everything and how he at no point has seemed to go MRA or start talking about how it’s worse to be accused than to actually be

What mental gymanstics do you have to go through to think it’s a good idea to put an American flag on a dumpster?

Wait, if they sent the letter because they didn’t want her using photos from their site and she’s no longer going to use photos from their site, doesn’t that mean they won? Doesn’t sound like they’re backing down from anything. Sounds like they got what they wanted and therefore have no need to pursue any further

Can I just ask, how the fuck is Locomotive Jones (or whoever keeps creating that troll account) not IP banned yet. It’s getting boring to flag his bizarre anti-Muslim rants for hate speech now.

I thought the LDS Church was supposed to be all rah, rah, rah about families and having as many kids as possible to up their membership numbers. Not having any paid parental leave policies in place is pretty heartless and hypocritical, especially because men are supposed to be heavily engaged in fatherhood. If being a

What I do not get is: why do they ask her about Wonder Woman?

I agree! And I don’t understand what they are driving at.....by wording the story this way, it’s as if (pun intended) we are SUPPOSED to read it as she’s slamming WW, but she really isn’t. And it’s really not fair because Clueless was a great, absolutely great movie starring a practical unknown girl (“from the

I think she’s just trying to say - so suddenly women-starring roles are news if they are doing big dumb boy things like blowing stuff up.
I think wonder woman is great, but I think she also has a point - its a pretty superficial film, and there is so much more to what “roles for women” can be.

I was all ready to storm in, guns blazing, in defense of Wonder Woman but after perusing the article, I’m...not quite sure what question is she’s even being asked, or even what the point is she’s trying to get to, really, and ended up realizing the flow of the conversation seems really strange and almost, in a way,

That is what I thought was going going be the last episode lead in. It’s a bit more natural than “You’re a lady, let’s talk about this other lady thing with a lady.”

I’m surprised she didn’t mention that she was Batgirl 20 years before Wonder Woman. I’m sure WW is vastly superior to Batman & Robin tho.

As a photographer who does some real estate I agree with you a bajillion percent. I wish brokers could force Zillow to list THE MOST BASIC information about their property (no pictures) and link to the brokers main site for the listing. I realize my gripe should really be with MLS, but screw Zillow.

Either way Zillow messed up because now I know about McMansion Hell and I want to see it.

This one seems to be a decent place for someone with a moderate car collection. I’d love to have 6 real garages instead of the glorified shed I currently own.

I’m sure some people looking to sell their shitty homes stumbled upon this and complained to Zillow about it.

Semi related, I just found out my childhood home was recently knocked down to make way for, you guessed it, a McMansion.

There are a few strong women in the F&F franchise, but only one little bitch: Tyrese.