Weary World

I think you’re right about people not understanding “proof beyond a reasonable doubt”. I’ve served on 5 juries and that is always a confusing point for people.

2 women, with very similar stories. I do wish more could testify, though :(

“Hysteria / hysterical” is about as neutral a term as “thug”.

and an old one.

Tone deaf assholes. They still think that this passes? Sessions was rushed and nervous yet she’s hysterical? Fuck off

The only one hysterical was Sessions the elf. He was the one yelling and that is why the senator rescued him, yelling at Harris, she was the only one who was not hysterical there.

That ‘Hysterical’ woman is one of the best Senators we have and one of a few who’s actually doing the damn job. I hope she is a rising star in the Democratic Party.

Women saw that footage of Harris being interrupted differently from how men saw it.

That asshole had the nerve to say his perspective was objective because hysteria is for women and objectivity for men. Ugh

Someone needs to caption this image; “Are you bullshitting me? You are bullshitting me.”

Who books these CNN pundits? Anderson Cooper lost it and told Jeffrey Lord “If Trump took a dump on his desk, you’d defend it,” but Lord keeps being invited back for what reason? Is it THAT difficult to get sane and competent people to sit in on a national TV show panel? Or do they keep bringing him back because

She’s an experienced prosecutor and this is how you lead a hostile witness. It’s not showboating, it’s doing your due diligence on a committee when someone is clearly bullshitting you.

I thought she was much calmer and more professional than Wyden, who basically got in a shouting match with Sessions, yet she was the one who was scolded.

I had read about this interaction the day it happened but only saw it for the first time now. I don’t know why I gave that guy credit enough to assume he said “objective” in a sort of knowing, ironic fashion. I guess when I make jokes about being objective in my opinions on the internet, this is why nobody understands

I watched this commentary live while I was working out at the gym, and it was infuriating. I wanted Powers to go IN on Miller, but she really held herself back. Probably because he would have called her “hysterical” too. I watched that hearing and goddamit Harris was freaking cool as a cucumber. She held Sessions’

She doesn’t seem to be arguing that they weren’t in the right to fire her, just saying it’s dumb but ok. But the issue seems to be the employer then taking it to a personal level online.

It sounds like she was expected to work unpaid overtime (several hours in the office on week-ends, weeks of nighttime work on hiring, regular non-urgent 7am work calls etc.) and that was part of her decision to work from home when her bosses were on vacation. She didn’t deal with it properly but her bosses’ behaviour

TO CLARIFY because this is understandably confusing people: Alina’s claim isn’t that she decided to not work, but that she didn’t want to be physically in the office all day, which is what Emily allegedly preferred. Her attitude is “if I get my work done, who cares where it happens” because bloggers can blog from

As someone who once worked for an employer who ran a business out of their home, I would never do that again and would never recommend it to anyone else. It breeds a kind of familiarity that won’t work for anyone in the long run, and there’s no HR dept to keep things legal and professional. And although this may not

This is a pretty huge case of Team Nobody, I’d say.