Weary World

That movie would have been infinity better (and more honest) if, when the Queen asked “Who’s the fairest of them all” the Mirror answered “Chris Helmsworth.”

My “favorite” case of the Hollywood paygap had to be the fact that CHARLIZE FREAKING THERON got paid less than Chris Helmsworth for Snow White and the Huntsmen. Charlize Theron. Who was basically the only good part of that whole mess. Who has a fucking Oscar.

I am so tired of this idiotic most violence affecting the black community comes from black communitynon-argument from disingenuous racists. The vast majority of ALL violence is intra-racial; that statistic is utterly meaningless because it applies to virtually everyone, everywhere. Most violence affecting the white

-But, for all the many and varied causes we know so well, much of the lion’s share of the violence is perpetrated within the community itself?

*reads article, sees list of pretty shitty/racist things said by critic*

While I certainly think it’s admirable that Joe Lunchbox managed to snag one of the 43,000 70 jobs created in Virginia Pennsylvania, Trump represents no one but himself.

i worked at a fashion magazine as a styling assistant, and i was shocked at the quality of the dolce looks when they came in. i knew they were samples that had been schlepped from shoot to shoot, but the clothing itself was poorly constructed, flimsy, and lacking weight. same with prada also, although prada was a bit

Ooh, I got a job offer to be the top executive assistant and Alice & Olivia and I laughed in their face when they told me the salary. It was 35K and I was making 75K at the time at another assistant job (This was approx. 10 years ago). They seemed to assume that I’d be fine with that salary because of the cachet

I have no idea! I just buy the Hanes’ men’s v-neck white shirts. I am broad-shouldered and flat-chested enough for them to look fine, and I don’t have to wear a fucking tank top under them. And clearly it isn’t a cost thing, because the men’s shirts are opaque AND cheaper than the women’s.

The most powerful attorney in the United States got “nervous” during a well-run cross-examination.

Chaddington Whiteson

I know! I have sensitive skin, so I always try to wear natural fibers, but it is so hard to find something natural and well made. Every women’s t-shirt has descriptions like “the perfect amount of sheer.” Fuck you, dude, the perfect amount of sheer is NOT SHEER! Why is this so hard? I end up just buying men’s shirts

I frankly don’t care who dresses Melania. What I do find interesting that Joe Lunchbox, making minimum wage in Buttfuck, Arkansas, thinks that she and her husband somehow understand and represent HIM.

Oh please, Crystal and Alexis could kick her ass.

It’s probably the first time in Session’s life where he couldn’t dress down someone he felt was getting uppity with him. His nervous giggle, like it had to be a practical joke by his bros that a black woman was allowed to treat him like a witness on the stand and not one of the cigar buds.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was once asked how many women on the Supreme Court would be fair. She said nine. The reporter clutched his pearls, explained how that wasn’t fair, etc, and she replied, well, we had nine white men for a long time and nobody complained about that..

A common excuse for hitting a girlfriend or wife, I’ll note.

Good point!

I’m in the damn industry, I talk about E3 and I *still* get asked if I play games.

It doesn’t bug me that guys assume I don’t play games. I’m actually complimented by the fact that I don’t look I like I belong in a Gamestop. I hope to continue looking like I don’t belong in a Gamestop for the rest of my life. Knock on wood.