Weary World

One big storm and the island is done. It could happen any time.

Eh. Generally they’re saying “I can’t recall” as meaning “No, but if it turns out there was a minor mention or some other weird thing that comes up, I don’t want to be charged with purjury”.

Never give your phone to a cop that asks you for it. That’s illegal search and/or seizure. In order to legally look at your phone they MUST have a warrant. Contents of your phone, glovebox, trunk, and luggage, are not “in plain view” and cannot be searched without a warrant, unless you give permission.

You’d think it wouldn’t matter, given that a cop in this situation clearly has a flexible attitude towards consent, but it does. The worst harrassment I ever endured stopped the moment the guy talked to my husband. Nothing I could say mattered, until he had evidence that I was married.

Because it’s a few doing a lot of the harassing and assaulting.

This happened to my then girlfriend, now fiance, by a local cop. She was pretty livid, after letting him know how unprofessional he was, she tore into me that evening about why I hadn’t put a ring on it.

I was thinking about the same thing on my way to work this morning: how is it that EVERY SINGLE WOMAN has several stories of harassment & assault and yet most, if not all, men claim they have never harassed or assaulted a woman?

[the police spokesman said] these chilling occurrences of sexual harassment are “rare” and “not indicative of the professionalism that the vast majority of troopers display on a daily basis.”

How about if the officer reports his camera is inop, he returns to the station immediately to get it looked at/fixed? And disciplinary action for too many “mystery” camera mishaps?

It’s recommended, but the ones intent on harassment then use that as opportunity to nail you to the wall for anything any everything.

Taking any steps to interfere with the operations of recording devices should be, in and of itself, a criminal offense. And if a complaint is made against an officer who has in some way disabled his camera/mic it should default to the complaint being considered legally legitimate and 100% accurate.

Update: according to Jalopnik, yes you can and should call 911 when being pulled over!

Like others have posted, this happened to me. Also had several other officers at various times in different places do some ridiculously unprofessional things as well, some of them pretty bad and very illegal. I used to be an addict so I encoutered them often, though I’m white so it could have been a lot worse. I would

Two New Jersey state troopers are separately under investigation for pulling over female drivers to pressure them for phone numbers and dates.

Yes, the technology was able to help the victims case. It is a good thing. Body cams and audio and dash cams should be the norm. My “progressive” city keeps saying we can’t afford body cams for officers, mainly claim they don’t know how to store the data. Downtown, I saw a white police officer circle around a First

Another day, another law enforcement individual doing something that he will be cleared off in no time.

I think if a officer turns off their recording devices, any testimony and evidence gathered should be excluded from court. Period.

If they were held to the same standard as civilians that would be an improvement over the status quo.

It looks like in a roundabout way, this is still the cameras catching them, since it’s clear they turned off audio and oftentimes visual. That’s a good thing, I’d say.

Police should be held to a higher standard when they abuse their power like this