Weary World

It’s a U.S.-based network though, right? I’d be curious if location matters. I think at the very least the network/show could still be sued.

Reportedly, the two were informed by producers that one of the storylines for the season was that they were to ‘hook up’. The incident happened on the first day of filming, and they indeed did. (The woman in question has now verified her involvement etc, if you consider the Daily Fail a reputable source.)

One consideration is that when a bar continues to serve alcohol to someone who is clearly drunk, and does nothing to make sure they aren’t driving, if that person does drive and gets an accident, the bar can be held liable. I don’t think that is too different from what happened here - the show provided them with

I think consent of both participants was definitely questionable, which is why I’m shocked that no one stopped it while it was happening.

The operative word here is “contestants” - the show created this environment. If the producers are witnessing a crime being committed, especially one they helped perpetrate because they supplied the seemingly unlimited alcohol, then yeah, they have a responsibility to stop it. I mean, do you have any doubt that they

i would say the comments i’m reading around the web are

And what if no one was there? What if these were two people, at the pool, who got shit faced on wine coolers and had sex and neither of them were in control (asking from a bit of experience)?

The production company. That’s the underlining of all this. This is going to be intense and likely new legal territory. Both of these people probably have cause to sue the production company. Neither were able to give consent.

Okay, this show is so reckless with drinking and it’s fucking disgusting.  

even dicier when you consider the report that the producers told both of them that them getting together would be a “plot line of the season.” So what you have is:

I’d think the main ussue would be the over serving, if anything

That much alcohol - provided by production - was going to be a problem sooner or later. Just watching the regular franchise I’ve wondered often how it hasn’t already been an issue.

Producers who are sober and hopefully responsible for the contestants’ well-being? Maybe? I’m just assuming, I have no idea what kind of contract is signed to take part in this shit show.

Add in the fact that the producers effectively provided the alcohol, and it gets even dicier for the production company.

I’d think the main ussue would be the over serving, if anything

Yup. Men also get blackout drunk, not just women. We don’t know what happened, so we can’t assume he knowingly took advantage of her.

This story annoys me because now I feel sorry for Corrine and DeMario; two of the least likable people in the entire franchise. I mean obviously each individual is responsible for how much they drink but I have no doubt an empty glass was quickly filled and nonsense was highly encouraged. People with cameras,

I hate that all of this seems to only focus on her as if she is the only victim here.

I knew this was going to turn out to be the case. The story that a producer was upset because she had to witness them hooking up was so obviously nonsensical.

They put people on a set with the deliberate intention of trying to get them to fuck each other and they shut it down when two of them then proceeded to drink lots of alcohol and fuck?