Makes me wonder in ~20 years if we’ll be looking back on buses without seatbelts, thinking we used to be barbaric.
Makes me wonder in ~20 years if we’ll be looking back on buses without seatbelts, thinking we used to be barbaric.
The Driver was distracted by Kinja’s Infinite Scroll and the 450 clicks it takes to read the comments
Juan Pablo and a female contestant were filmed having sex in the ocean, which aired. I think this has to do with consent and the inability to consent due to intoxication. My guess is the producer tried to stop the scenes/acts from occurring and fellow production overruled to allow them to continue for good tv purposes…
If she was too drunk to consent and they filmed it anyway, they filmed a sexual assault. My guess is that it’s a female producer who was exposed to not only workplace abuse but possibly committing a criminal act for her employer just by being present. Glad someone came forward and the show is canceled.
Unless you have allergic reactions to the bites. Some mosquito species give me welts the size of quarters without my even touching the bites D:
Hmm, yes. If one ‘contestant’ was way too drunk they might have been unable to consent to the soft-core porn show that a collection of onlookers and cameras viewed. That might have enraged someone I suppose. It does bring up a question about any waivers that the ‘contestants’ sign. I bet that document is skeezy as…
yeah I clicked on the link for the Reality Steve and that is what it was speculating .. some kind of non consensual situation. and if that’s the case,, like, I guess I could see if this particular producer was the only one trying to stop it and it fell on deaf ears? otherwise it seems shitty on the producers part to…
This article is honestly kind of strangely written/unclear but the only thing I can think of (legally) is if this was not consensual...hence producer filing as third party. Though this is obviously speculation. Not a lot about this seems to make sense otherwise.
Is that really so different than telling a distraught person you’ll pray for them? Tarot cards are just as useless, but if it makes the other person feel better, is it bad?
I’m seeing a lot of criticism for Kim Weaver in the comments here (especially in the greys). This story is not about her qualifications as a candidate, especially since she is no longer a candidate. This story is about the abuse she suffered while a candidate, which should not be tolerated regardless of the candidate’s…
I am not judging ms weaver at all, I would not want to sit around and take abuse either, and hopefully the Iowa dems will find someone else to run. But whenever someone drops out it encourages the deplorables. To them, this is a success. And I hate that.
I mean, considering how much of a tool this guy is, I was expecting way worse.
My company doesn’t allow me to claim ANY alcohol on my expense report.
I gotta say, “don’t rape anyone and don’t fuck anyone who works for you/you work for” is a much more realistic policy than most non-fraternization policies.
Not to get off topic, but one of the clips you posted above is labeled “Literal Autism in motion”.
Nathan it would be entrusting if you follow up on him in about a year to see what he is doing with his life. I can tell you that in a Normal Job that kind of attitude will not fly.
This speaks highly to the moral fiber of the officer, and I believe this characteristic should be mandatory for all law enforcement officials.
Intervening can be deadly, though
Intervening can be deadly, though