Weary World

If the report caused Josh Duggar harm...then GOOD! I wish plenty of harm upon him. He molested his own sisters. Also could some harm come to his parents for allowing him to stay in that house with his sisters.

Um, sorry you were a disgusting perv who molested your sisters. You do not deserve to be financially compensated for your horrific actions.

How sad for that little child to be subject to horrible racism like that, at school and repeatedly. And for the school to do nothing. This is white supremacy and how white boy’s abusive behaviors are accepted and excused. That boy will turn into that older white guy we all know because that guy comment’s here all too

I would *love* to have a neighbor like you - honestly, just having someone say “hey, let me know if this is a problem, I don’t have parties often” would be enough to not only ensure I didn’t call the cops, but that I wouldn’t even be irritated with the noise. You’re a gem, and your neighbor is a moron.

Yeah, there’s a factual discrepancy between the parties here. PD said the music was not turned down within 20 minutes of the initial warning. She says she was arrested while figuring out how to turn down the music and research the noise ordinance and all within 15 minutes of the police showing up. MPD does have

The last time I hosted a party I went to my neighbors a couple days in advance and had polite, what I thought were nice, conversations where I informed them of the fact that I’d be hosting a party and asked that if they had any issues to please come talk to me first and I’d make things right.

I don’t know that it is, but I also don’t think she was charged or that he had any intention of charging her. What he wanted was for her to protest and then he would have an excuse to slam her into the ground or taze and then charge her with resisting.

I have an activist friend who would get arrested all the time. Her

So like, this is all literally because of a haircut, right?

I hope Ranco flexes his civil rights attorney muscles. This is bullshit.

“They didn’t want to listen,” Cruz Hernandez said. “They said the president had made his decision and there wasn’t any changing that.”

I am sick of parents who think their elementary-school aged kids can’t possibly be racist fucks. Some of the meanest, most vile things are said and done by 10 year-olds.

What dumbasses.... Although I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky that they didn’t try to ‘clarify’ the issue by demanding to ‘verify’ she was a girl, if you catch my drift... And lets be honest, it isn’t at all implausible for this story have taken that kind of dark turn.

Seriously. That would benefit all parties....except the racist pos that’s leaving her notes and harassing her.

I live in Denver and watched this on the news last night... 

Colorado is pretty progressive, but you still have your pockets of stupid.
The thing about CO is, we are over demand and under-supplied when it comes to apartments (fukkin transplants) so her apartment wouldn’t stay vacant for long!
Fortunately, this young lady

I know it often doesn’t work out well, but it sounds like a police matter. Also, I think the management company would be more willing to let her out of her lease when they get sued.

“Their response every time is that they cannot control what happens in the hallways,” Butler added.

No doubt they were looking for an excuse to put the hurt on someone from the moment she answered the door. He knew he basically had no reason to arrest her but was no doubt hoping she’d say or do something where he could escalate the situation and claim resisting arrest. That’s why my strategy with cops is to give

Another big takeaway: Once again, even compliance is not good enough. Even when the order is followed he still wasn’t satisfied. But then again, he cane there with an arrest on his mind, especially given the second sentence out of his mouth.

Did they charge you? Any idea which of your wonderful neighbors got you arrested? Maybe police response times are very fast in rich, white neighbourhoods but it seems like they have to have called as soon as the party started, and before the noise ordinance was in effect.