1. Classic name: can’t relate to women on their own merits as sentient beings worthy of respect; must relate to them only in their relationship to OTHERS daughtermothersister!
1. Classic name: can’t relate to women on their own merits as sentient beings worthy of respect; must relate to them only in their relationship to OTHERS daughtermothersister!
I suppose a professor could pressure a student to drink. Still, there’s the sinister implication that if a professor could, he’d want to. Why exactly? Oh right—so that he could force her into sex.
Dignity For Our Daughters is maybe the creepiest name for anything ever.
A thug AND a gaslighter! “Oh, silly female, imagining things again,, sounds like someone has a touch of the vapors.” Class act, Issa, you crooked goddamn bicycle-seat sniffer.
Because we’re allowed to focus on more than one inappropriate/outrageous thing at a time? Because a public servant flipping off a reporter who’s just doing her job is another alarming sign of disrespect for his constituents, the free press and democracy as a whole? Because this behavior is only the latest in Issa’s…
It’s not a “scandal,” it’s an example of a known bully being a dick yet again, and lying about it when called out for being a dick.
“I did not finger that woman.”
In my part of BFE we get a lot of city people who decide to “move to the country” to escape the rat race and start having kids, and those are always the people at town meetings complaining about the manure smell. They literally move next door to a farm and then bitch about cow shit.
yeah. My friend was a farmer and worked on a farm in the countryside (not in the Southwest USA, though), whole area was full of beautiful farms. He used machinery for cutting down crops and all that shit. Rich people who moved to the country complained about noise disturbances. What the fuck did they expect when they…
So Hillary killed this dude but Anthony Weiner’s still alive? Puh-leaze
Negron’s body was left uncovered in the street for six hours, which Bridgeport Police Chief Armando Perez says was an error in forensics protocol.
“I don’t care if it’s a good guy or a bad guy—I will never allow that to happen again,” Perez told reporters.
It makes me sad that Sofia Coppola told her to lose weight. Like give me a fucking break she has always been slender.
After reading that article, my opinion of Psychology Today has changed from “I can’t assume why they do what they do” to “Who’s the one letting these decisions get through?!”
Fantastic post on a legitimately fucked up cover. The painted feature might be the most wtf part of it for me.
My main form of exercise is walking and I get shouted out from people (sitting in cars!) about how I’m fat or need to exercise...which is what I’m doing
Exactly. You’re a terrible person if you’re overweight, but if you try and do something about it, you’re mocked. It was only a few years ago that afford workout clothes became more widely available in plus sizes. Ridiculous.
It’s always a lose-lose. You’re shamed for not doing anything about your weight; you’re shamed when you try to do something about it.
I hate it when people do awful things and then distance themselves by saying “That wasn’t me! That’s not who I am!”