Weary World

Yep. One of the main ways Rape Apologists blame victims is by claiming that they are seeking “attention”, “fame”, or “money”- well Taylor has more than enough of that. The other one, and this will be especially dangerous though, is to attack their credibility- build the case that they are “crazy”, that they have “made

This is a very Law And Orderian move. I expected to hear a BONG BONG.

Why are we supposed to hate her again?

Sounds like a fairly routine “expert witness” hire by her attorneys; perhaps higher profile than most litigants can afford, but it just sounds like she’s got good counsel.

I think a large part of this is young people (<30) working at these orgs who are just used to grabbing images off of the internet and using them in various ways that just genuinely didn’t think through the fact that when you’re engaging in this kind of commercial behavior, you need to actually follow the rules.

You must have had either very shitty officers or very, very well behaved Soldiers.

I’m sure that’s true for many of them. I’m in the military, and I’d argue that I am “working” more hours than most people (none of my friends have ever gotten told they all need to come in at 3am, or need to be at work for 3 weeks straight), but it’s still a weird system.

News and publishing industries aside, anybody else notice how the Obama administration was trying to raise the overtime exemption threshold from near $30k where it has been since the 1970s or so to a more realistic $50k-ish last year? But the Rethuglicans put the kibosh on that real quick. “We need to table this

The longer I am out in the working world the more I think that salaries are a scam. Some of my friends and I broke down our salaried wages to by-the-hour and it was really sad. My dad makes more hourly at the factory (and yes, he has benefits) than most of my “professional” friends.

The staff writer with 3 years experience makes more than the senior writer with 26 years experience?

Treating professionals like you actually value and appreciate what they bring to the job would cut into executive salaries/bonuses. And we just can’t have that now, can we?

Even if the cost of living in Chicago isn’t quite at NY/LA/SF level unaffordable, the salaries displayed in that photo are impossibly low for people with 15 -39 years professional experience. They must all have to moonlight at other jobs to make ends meet.

“Is McFarland aware that employees who resign cannot collect unemployment, but employees who’ve been laid off can? (A: He was not aware of that.)“

“We, uh, we fixed the *glitch*. So (you) won’t be receiving a paycheck anymore, so it’ll just work itself out naturally.”

Oh, I’ll bet several are already underway they just need to see how this plays out before they can write the third act.

The only proper response:

If they can’t afford the payroll, chances are they didn’t submit the payroll taxes. Good luck with that.

From the VICE story:

Ja Rule is such a wimp. “It was NOT MY FAULT!” and”I can’t bear to listen to the employees get robbed!”

I was thinking more ethical and PR commonsense rather than technical liability...