Weary World

Of course, these are my views. But to clarify, in our society, we rarely see serious discussion of sexual abuse of men. While it is less common, it does occur. We are so uncomfortable with the concept of men as victims of sexual assault that we treat prison rape as a joke instead of the serious crime that it is.

I’m with you on the problem with the ads. Jezebel and its related sites have been my go-to for years, but I can only visit now when I’m at my desktop. The websites don’t work on my tablet or phone because of the way the ads constantly refresh. I’m fine with whitelisting and not using adblocker, but not if I can’t

I don’t have to like her to feel that she was victimized in this situation. My objection to her statements were in implying that she was the only victim. But, and this is a big but, I don’t know how someone would feel about being told that something bad had happened to them while they were blackout drunk with no

I cannot emphasize this point enough - if this had been two private people, both of them past the legal threshhold of too drunk to consent, that would have been an entirely different situation than the one that occurred. We cannot ignore the fully sober production team that were standing only a few feet away. If

I starred your post so far as I agree with you that he has handled this with more grace than the situation deserves. I disagree, however, with the concept that we should try to determine who is more victimized and more deserving of compassion in this situation. Even if he had been coming on to her, I would not feel

I agree that seeing black men as criminals is definitely an issue in our culture. I don’t see that this changes my point that he is as much a victim in this situation as she is.

I think DeMaario being branded a rapist is a cultural problem.

Her role in the last movie wasn’t very interesting. She’s right that the women in the film are given very little to do. Which woman is supposed to be the best hacker in the world, but is regularly given computer instructions by a male character introduced to the movie series as a mechanic?

I would have cabbed it home or called a friend to pick me up. I’m sorry you were with someone who prioritized his fun over your well-being.

Ellie, am I correct in my understanding that the boss was the first one that posted that she was fired? I don’t think that was appropriate and may have set her off. Not that she doesn’t seem like a loose cannon anyway...

To be fair to the jury, they were not presented evidence that he raped 50 women. Only this one woman in particular. They promised to set aside all prejudices and stuff they have heard on the media and consider only the evidence presented at the trial.

I expect it’s more likely to be the “put on the whole armor of God.” Here’s the Amplied Bible version:

The potential sexual assault does not lie in what the contestants did together. It was that they were set up by completely sober production personnel who instructed them to hook up, who filmed the entire incident. How far sober contestants might have been willing to go in front of cameras might be a very different

I’ve been reading the comments so far, and I think the mayor’s position is misunderstood. People are being distracted by arguing over the cause of climate change and not paying enough attention to how to ameliorate its effects. Business interests have successfully moved the bar on this, and we continue to allow them

Arthur Andersen was cleared of all wrongdoing about six months after they ceased to exist. It was the loss of their reputation that killed them.

If they are otherwise nice people, I might try something like, “I’m glad that you’re happy. You know that I’m not. Can we talk about something else now?” when they give you a hard time about being a democrat. Then, pick the nicest one and speak to that person privately and ask them for help. Tell that person that

If they just came with a hook for the leash, I would totally buy it for my dog. He’s a rescue and when we first got him, we had to have him shaved so we bought a coat for him to wear until his fur grew back (it was winter) and we were startled to discover that he likes wearing clothes. Never had a pet that wore

I don’t think this describes a vengeful employee. This describes an employee taking advantage of weaknesses in their system, perhaps hoping to turn a profit by selling the info to various tabloids. There isn’t anything in this story as posted to show that there was anything to take vengeance for?

I enjoy real frosting, the kind made with butter and/or cream cheese. What I don’t like is commercial bakery frosting, made of 100% generic Crisco and sugar, assuming it is a real bakery, or generic Crisco, sugar and added chemicals, if it’s from the grocery store bakery.

Haven’t had a cupcake yet that had more than one bit of cake. They seem to be an excuse to eat a ginormous amount of poor quality frosting.