The story isn’t moving that fast. Take a couple of days off for your mental health. If anything big breaks, it will be all over, not just on the news.
The story isn’t moving that fast. Take a couple of days off for your mental health. If anything big breaks, it will be all over, not just on the news.
In high school, you can now take classes that give you college credit. Those are graded on 5 points instead of 4. So she is taking at least one advanced placement class and getting good grades.
$50 is too low. He’s not a first time offender making minimum wage.
I’m out. I might have been willing to give it a try if Krystle were still the really kind working-class woman on the original series who had major culture shock when she marries Blake. But I am just not interested in a show where every character has to be “edgy” or “gritty” or whatever.
We don’t care about women. Only babies.
On my last trip back from Hawaii, the TSA broke the travel mug that I had purchased as a gift, and left open the scented powder (another item that was supposed to have been a gift) that was with my toiletries. This shouldn’t have mattered as the powder was in a clear ziploc bag, but they didn’t seal the bag either. …
I think there is even more grief when loved ones die of an overdose, because there is all that regret. As terrible as cancer is, it doesn’t generally strain the relationship for years the way addiction can.
A woman I know slightly (she’s good friends with one of my friends) lost her adult son week before last through an overdose. She told my friend that when the police came to inform her that one looked her right in the eye and said “You need to call the morgue.”
Can’t leave without a plug for a recent favorite, the version by T. Kingfisher. All of her books are amazing!
Great, thanks - I will look for them there!
Great, thanks - I will look for them there!
They had to confirm it for Parliament. They changed the law after Diana.
IIRC, Gavin de Becker wrote in The Gift of Fear that when his company analyzed a large portion of workplace violence situations, the number one warning sign was a spike in employees joking about the potential of a specific coworker to become a workplace shooter.
I always said that my cat Winifred wanted me to prove my love for her by making me late too work.
We have a magic blanket. If you sit on the sofa wearing it, a cat will come and sit on you.
I’m in!
I used to buy this at CVS but I never see it anymore. I thought maybe they were discontinuing it. Where do you purchase it?
I used to buy this at CVS but I never see it anymore. I thought maybe they were discontinuing it. Where do you…
Really? I misunderstood that song. I thought that the only interesting thing about her was that she was beautiful and he was depressed because he couldn’t have her. I really didn’t get it. I guess I’ll have to reconsider whether it deserves a space on the mental list of songs that I despise for their message even…
Well, they are right that they aren’t giving them proper publicity. I didn’t even know that there was a US women soccer team...