The producers do the hiring, not the director, this is an important distinction.
The producers do the hiring, not the director, this is an important distinction.
If any part of you is “grinning,” I think you’re the complete asshole in this situation.
I can definitely understand Baldwin feeling a tremendous amount of guilt for this, but the rest of your statement makes no sense to me. Assuming he was using the weapon as intended in the scene, how is this his fault? I can’t imagine it’s standard practice for actors to safety check their props.
did your company make billions in profit and also decide against right to repair? Are they trying to close down future pension plans? NO? Then get a better job and stop getting hosed by your POS firm. You’re getting f@cked and saying “thank you sir can I have another” while grabbing your ankles. Don’t shit on other…
I hope you were looking for a better job during that time.
Unions aren’t as strong as they’ve been in the past, but thats largely due to republican *state* lawmakers and governors. Dems dont harm unions, they’re just not controlling enough statehouses.
My point was that we’ve got an entire workforce out here which routinely votes against their own self-interest, with pride.
I’m not sure that’s accurate. But Republicans have done worse than “nothing.” They’re actively trying to get rid of unions...
So because you work for a shitty company that exploits you, everyone else should be happy with what they get? Maybe you should be fighting to improve your situation.
Local Teamster 696 here! for over 20 years now.
So much anit-union crap and so much “why are they striking? i wish i had it that good” is just sour grapes. The right to belong in a union is in Article 23(4) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and it states ‘Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.’ Want…
Deere is getting hammered by its employees AND hammered by its customers over Right to Repair.
Thank you
I was a Teamster for 34 years working for that company with all the brown trucks. Never once did I cross a picket line.
aka “I got mine so fuck everybody else”
Million got no raises. For years.
Yep. Solidairty.
Right. Because when I think of capitalist corporations, and I think of blue collar workers and their unions, I just know who’s greedier.
the company was also going to eliminate pensions for everybody hired after November 1, 2021. Also, there’s a huge gap between workers hired before 1997 and those hired afterwards - the workers wanted to close that gap.
it’s called “solidarity”
I support those workers when the’re struggling, because if they win it makes the entire working class stronger.
pretty much everything the working class ever achieved was due to solidarity
As for “greedy”.... you mean the CEO and the rich people that own the company
They turned down a 6% raise? Because of how profitable the company was over the last year? Hmmmm. More power to ‘em, I ain’t gonna hate. But I’d love to get a 6% raise for 2022; mine will probably be 3% like it always is.