godspeed aquaboy

3rd Gear. I’m already seeing fall out from the pure quartz mine shutdown.

How many limbs are we talking about?

If you asked the question, “Who is Nissan?” or “Who is Ford?”, you would get confused looks. Maybe some people would name the CEO, if they even knew who it was.

Bad drivers never miss their exit.

Boom, you’re spot on. AM radio is how conservative and religious organizations get the word out to their audiences. What would they do without it?! No more 700 WLW to tell them how to think? My father would be lost without his AM radio.

Technologically, AM radio is probably the cheapest, most robust way to reach the most people quickly.

But of course the stable genius wants to run everything...

I mean, politics is inherently full of s—t, but he harks back to real Boss Tweed, PT Barnum-level nonsense. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad, and explains why people lose billions in fraud and scams every year—there really is a sucker born every minute. I always ask people why Trump consistently loses in NY and

It shouldn’t have to be said, but given the number of Trump voters, I suppose the facts have to be laid out:

The women in his circle the embodiment of the white trash who will vote for him.  

This FUD* shit with Trump and the Republicans is really starting to annoy me. They have no vision and only “concepts of plans”, so they need to scare people into voting for them.

I just wish the fucker would die already. Heart attack, stage 5 cancer, whatever. He is a sore on America’s ass. And it absolutely blows me away that somehow the race is close? What in the flying fuck is wrong with people? He is the BEST you can do? And its not just him but all of the other crazy people working for

Drumpf, as incoherent as the drunk at the end of the bar, and happens to be ranting about the exact same topics as the drunk at the end of the bar.

Broccoli: “I watched him jump in the car and floret!”

If someone has possession of a car without any witness to a purchase agreement or anything in paper, and no proof they had paid anything at all, it seems like a legally open and shut case. You return the property or the police should seize it and arrest him if he doesn’t return it immediately because at that point

Except that’s not what DEI is outside of Fox News talking points. Making people from different backgrounds feel included in the workplace is not “pandering.”

It’s always good when hateful assholes like you show yourselves.

You put that VERY well. I am unlikely to buy their products. I am REALLY unlikely to buy them NOW. 

My last Cars and Coffee had SIX Slide Titles.  I’m so sick of them too.

Disappointed in you, Ford. You had the choice between helping people or hurting people, and you choice to hurt. You had the chance to stand up to hate or agree with it, and you agreed with it. You had the chance to take away these bigots power by simply ignoring them, but you chose to give them credibility.