godspeed aquaboy

The Guardians of Cleveland

Hey looks it’s “nothing is original anymore!” guy. 

I don’t know what to tell you.

On the plus side, Greta’s boobs look real nice.  So that’s at least two things I like, compared to its awful sister series.

First, it’s just a leftist way of marginalization similar to how racist treat ethnic names.

Who is being marginalized by making fun of “Cricket?” Rich white ladies? Are they an oppressed minority now?

If it was an arena football game, you’d have seen Tyrese.

I mean, it is literally the good kind of colonizer coming to the lands and to be revealed as the blue eyed white kid to lead them all to salvation.

It’s the Fremen who all have blue eyes due to the spice.


to be this stunningly stupid is an achievement, in a way

I’ve actually always liked that joke, but the version I heard was phrased a little differently, and didn’t sound quite as brutal. I posted it a Clapton article here a while back, and...there was some blowback.

His son was a prolific author, did about 50 stories.

What’s the difference between a bag of cocaine and Clapton’s 4-year-old son? He never let a bag of coke fall off a high-rise balcony.

As an unvaccinated individual, I appreciate him standing up for our rights to gather in public places and listen to his angelic unmasked and unvaccinated voice. I encourage all other fellow unvaccinated individuals make sure to attend as many Eric Clapton concerts as possible and invite all their unvaccinated friends

Eric Clapton just isn’t the type of guy to inject dangerous, untested substances into his body.

I went to a Clippers game a few weeks back. Vin Diesel was sitting courtside. The guy sitting next to me said wistfully, “If this were a Lakers game, we’d have seen The Rock instead.”

I think this little feud needs to be settled like real men.

Vin Diesel just mumbled something, and I think he called Dwayne Johnson a “candy ass.”

There’s this thing called Google. 

Montreal composer Cristobal Tapia de Veer.