godspeed aquaboy

You say that now.

Hush now, the grownups are talking.

While conning the Czars and pissing off the aristocracy was undoubtedly cool he was also probably a serial rapist so I don’t we should get too behind Rasputin  

Well, can’t be worse than the last one tbh.

Everyone is laughing and cornholimg and making Star Wars movies except Snyder!

“Here’s 100 million dollars, go and make a Star War”

To be honest, right now, I would simply buy a beater with a heater to get me around till the market simmered down.  Just because you have to have NOW doesn’t mean you have to get anally intruded upon NOW. 

I always understood Succession to be more about the Murdoch family. The Trumps are just much more in the limelight and an easier comparison for most people.

I am rereading the review and it pretty much sounds like the author cannot stand that mix of exploitation, pulp and “preachy”. Preachy. PREACHY. I mean, these things are happening right now. The Purge is classic scifi in the sense that it is only a slight exageration of what is happening right now. If you think it is

Liked the first one, loved the second and the third movies, the fourth was ok, loved the series, will surely watch this one.

Honey, I PURGED The Kids! 

‘The Secret of Purgie’s Gold’.

The chocolate river in Willy Wonka was a stinky, gross cesspool

Got kind of a Tatooine chic to it

Bird that has to use its beak to sew Fred’s decomposing testicles back on every other day: “Raawwwk. It’s a living...”

Was he afraid the kid was trying to keep him from freezing without his consent?

This is clearly a case of self defense on the part of the cop. I mean - there seems clear intent that Hunter was approaching him with a known toxic substance that could have, in the right circumstances easily harmed - even killed - the officer. If that doesn’t result in a reasonable apprehension of immediate risk to

I want the Rian Johnson Star Wars trilogy so bad. That and the Taika Waititi Star Wars film are the only hope for the future of the film franchise. 

I-I think I swallowed a toothpick.

Hang on, let me write this down.