godspeed aquaboy

Is there ever a sense of risk that the title character of a TV show isn’t likely to die?

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It’s a weird thing about Westerns. IIRC, they were declared officially dead in the 1980s when The Legend of the Lone Ranger (not the Johnny Depp one) flopped horribly, but it flopped because it was a really horrible movie, not because it was a western. I think a really good Western could’ve done fine, then or any

This is a show Jack Donaghy would’ve pitched when he tried to tank NBC.

I went with my friend. We had a good time.

Shhhhhhhh stop telling people about underappreciated chicken parts! That’s how we got into this wing shortage to begin with.

Yep, I watched it just for Odenkirk. Just as enjoyable as any of the Wick films.

Brent Peltomaa valued that cat more than he valued his life.
Michael Campbell valued punishing a thief more than he valued his freedom.
They were all in love with dying. They were drinking from a fountain
that was pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain.

Would be nice to pick one of these up on the used market in a few years if they pan out

  • The idea that China engineered COVID as some kind of weapon and deliberately set it loose is insane

I remember going to a game on July 3rd 1999 or 98 - shit, I can’t believe it was that long ago. Went with friends because of fireworks show afterwards. I dressed like I was going to summit Everest. I was still freezing my ass off.

But sometimes it’s funny how much they suck.

I was going to a lot of Giants games in those days.  Wasn’t like it was hard to get a ticket at the ‘Stick.  

It’s an important lesson for Ikeria Washington and Layla Temple, that no matter how hard you work, folks will always find a way to elevate white people.

I’m sorry — people suck.

And don’t you ever forget it, godspeed aquaboy.

There’s a junior studio exec reading this thread and frantically scribbling notes.

Stallone wrote & starred in a best pic winner. Vin will never come close to that. 

I didn’t think there was a force on earth that could counterbalance Vin Diesel’s worst impulses.

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After the highs of Fast Five and the victory lap of Fast and Furious 6 (Justin Lin was right, it should’ve been called Furious 6 in the marketing materials and not just the opening credits) the series is right back to sucking, and not even in the tolerable way (at least Tokyo Drift gave us the Teriyaki Boyz song).

It’s like watching someone walk through West Baltimore with a ANV battle flag and screaming racial slurs. I may not support the violence that they are calling onto themselves, but I’m certainly not going to feel bad for them when it arrives.