They do list dietary info down to the mg for their items. It doesn’t break it down by component, e.g. beef vs cheese, but would they have case if the items continually come up light?
They do list dietary info down to the mg for their items. It doesn’t break it down by component, e.g. beef vs cheese, but would they have case if the items continually come up light?
I lived in a mountain town and had to go to the nearest neighboring town for my driving test at 16. My stepmom was with me and on the way home on a winding mountainside home, we came around a curve and their was a car in our lane. I yanked the wheel and hit the shoulder, spun in the dirt just along the hill’s edge…
No mention of one of my favorite Smiths songs - Paint a Vulgar Picture? It’s specifically about a dead star and the attempts to cash in on their death.
I miss the pre-pandemic days when they had little wooden spoons for you to taste it. Now I have to wait until I get home.
I believe it is the compression of the existing air. When that large volume of air gets smashed into a small volume of air, it heats up due to the internal energy of the gas.
The big, scary guy that was chasing him, and then saved him, was at his wedding with his newborn baby.
No mention of Ted Lasso’s riff on it with ‘Beard After Hours’? I was pleased that the series finale was able to reference it at the end.
I think Carmy’s breakdown will actually keep him on track. While their relationship is in trouble, his anger at Carmy at the end was because Carmy was the fuckup. Richie saved the day and has the perspective to help Carmy now.
We had planned to ration the episode over a couple of weeks, but ended up mowing through it in three days.
This incident will be cited in many cases of whataboutism.
Loved it. Was hoping for Tim Blake Nelson to show up as Count Fenring, but I still haven’t seen him announced as definitely him. He was one of the more interesting characters in the books, as a failed Kwisatz Haderach himself.
It’s the only social media craze that I am down with. Went down the rabbit hole with the kids, watching these, and some are truly inspired. Dumb, but inspired.
I agree that it was one of the best episodes of any show this year. I don’t really agree with him that he didn’t think Richie’s redemption could occur in one episode - I believe his coming of age was steeping through the season and this was just the breakthrough. I particularly like that Richie’s strengths are Carmy’s…
If it even looked like you anyway. My previous card had a picture that probably took up a third of the back, but was really low-res. My new card has a nice color picture, but is about 75x75 pixels and could be just about any middle-age balding guy.
But when are they going to bring back the ceramic cat or dog?
I was happy for the that shining window where I could pay for maybe three services and get nearly all the content I wanted. Unfortunately it slammed shut once everyone starting pulling their shit to their own service. I think cable was cheaper than having a half-dozen or more streaming services. I still pay for…
Expected a review, got PTSD flashbacks to reading Ulysses in high school.
A so-called populist does wildly unpopular things - unless you give him money (and agree with all his bullshit).
You should try IP risotto. Not quite as good as the slow method, but for the investment in time, it is quite good, especially paired with the short ribs. My method is braise, cook, drain and clean the IP, start the risotto while my sauce pan is heating up to thicken the short rib juice and they all finish at the…