
Whether you need a therapist or a psychiatrist kind of depends on your anxiety. I started having panic attacks in high school; initially, they were very hard to diagnosis because they were very body oriented. like, I would be chilling in my room reading when all of a sudden my heart would race and I old break out now

It varies state by state, but a lot of places have crisis help for families with kids. There may even be programs that will help them find new housing. My stepmom ran a program like that in CA that helps find jobs and homes for homeless families. Good thoughts for you friend and I hope this time passes quickly!

My friend met his husband online! We’re in the US and he is from England. Friend’s husband came out a,time or two before moving permentally so that they could be together.

I just want to say (here in the grays where no one will see it, but whatever). I’m not upset that Dylan won the Nobel because he’s bad, or he’s sexist, or blah blah blah. I upset because he won Murakami’s Nobel. He has a large, brilliant body lf work that’s been translated into dozens of languages and he deserved it.

Some kids just have crazy active imaginations. My 6 year old is really a really bright, type-A personality. She already ruminate. If she thinks of something bad, it will ping-pong around her head. One of our bedtime rituals now is to talk about nice thinks that she can think about as going to bed. But, she still gets

I actually heaved a little at the “I’m sorry” notes. I just can’t. My youngest is six and still crawls into my bed multiple times a week. She has bad dreams; the quiet house makes it hard for her to sleep. Yes, my sleep is disturbed, but I’m not going to let my tiny child live in terror through the night. They don’t

This is so freaking exciting! Now I demand that they invent one of those translation things from Seaquest. I will totally submit to our dolphin overlords.

Or girl. And 12. I loved the shit out of that song, video and album. GnR 4 life.

Word. Forever gray. :'(

Nope, I am now and forever will be, in the grays. #foreveralone

Ugh. I feel you. I’ve developed worsening allergies as an adult. Both environmental and (at least I think so because I can’t talk a doctor into confirming it for me) food based. I frequently joke that I am going to be Bubble Boy. I am about to do a ridiculous Whole30 to see if I can identify what is causing my hives

Ugh, yes. My first thought was a gleeful, what do you think happens when you work somewhere sexist and think women are always asking for it?! I had to remind myself that no one deserves to be harassed, no matter how vile their opinions are. I’m sorry she had to go through that.

Ha! But, Leslie would actually learn Spanish in some crazy 2 week immersion course? I’m laughing so hard at this.

True! Though, she doesn’t ACTUALLY speak Spanish! Well, she knows some words and can string them together nonsensically... and that’s still better than this lady!

Peggy Hill, is that you?!?!

This is crushing my hope of ever being ungreyed. :( I think you’re a lovely commenter!

Yes! I said this after watching it last night. I am 95% that Varys is going to take out Little Finger next season.

Ha! I love the idea of a little one being all “we need to do something about these walls!"

Word. I had to explain to my 5 y/o yesterday that adults have to work “even in summer”. She was very sad for me. Mine are a little older than yours is though and understand the concept that job=house+food+toys.

Start for Idris as Bond.... but I think he might be too busy being a badass gunslinger right now!