
Is the Donkey Sauce freshly squeezed out of a live donkey back there in the kitchen? Because I’m not a fan of canned products so if it’s canned donkey sauce, I’m not interested.

Oh, now I need t0 see that gif. Link me please.

I’m pretty sure that if you asked Anthony Bourdain, he’d tell you that he’s sick of Guy Fieri’s obsession with being the lead singer of Smashmouth.

Somewhere in Iraq, a group of ISIL terrorists are convinced that this is actually a U.S. Government war poster depicting what U.S. soldiers really look like.

I love Dandy Boy Apples! They’re my favorite kind!

Nothing hysterical about talking about reality. Of course, you’re probably one of those chest pumping rah-rah, “kill ‘em all and sort ‘em later” types. In which case, you’re fucking delusional if you think that every action doesn’t produce a reaction.

You DO realize that nuclear radiation would spread over to the MAJORITY of the Middle East and Africa including many U.S. and European allies who have nothing to do with ISIS, possibly even making its way to Europe and the United States, right? Do you know how many birth defects, illnesses and deaths would result from

Oh boy if only George Martinet read mean tweets about Mario in the voice of Mario. That would have been awesome....“SupergamerXXX tweets Fuck’a Mario! That little fat muschioed pansy! So many rescues yet he never got any from’a Princess Peach! Oh My!”

uncle Charles!! I hope to hell that they paid you enough for your mo-cap services!!

But I thought that in a post-apocalyptic future where people are living in squalor, the majority of folk are supposed to be ugly, unclean and unkept?

That’s awesome. Has he ever sparred with other fighters or does he just do demos against objects? I imagine one kick from this guy would be enough to rip someone’s head clean off.

Wow, and here when I read the headline, I thought he was going to say that he started out by playing Street Fighter II...

Yeah but outlawing guns will eliminate evil [GUN] behaviour.

For perspective: This is also the guy that OK’ed the infamously unplayable p.o.s. that was the E.T. game for Atari. So there’s that.

For a minute there, I thought that this was posted by Deadspin and that it was a real clip from Monday Night Raw and it nearly made my head explode.


Ermm....no. The ONLY Jurassic anything game worth playing was Sega’s Jursassic Park which was and wasn’t a tie-in for the movie because....shitballs, it let your BE a fucking Raptor going around eating dinosaurs and people!

Wow with smelly Shirt sweat and everything!

That woman bobbing in the background is annoying me! Stop it! Stand still! What the fuck is wrong with you???

Man, you’re really going off the deep end. You need therapy.