
It certainly didn't work for Christoph Waltz in that movie with the talking slugs. But not the one where they run races, the other one.


Would you rather have "para"? That's way too many syllables.

If the geek is working in Willis' "one-man operation", then it's not really a one-man operation, is it?

I think it's less that they're making the "wrong" noise and more that they're all making the SAME noise, which is really unlikely. Except for Parasaurolophus at the end; the horn thingy on the back of its head is hollow so it's likely supposed to make a noise like a trumpet or air horn.

Haha yes! Or Hannibal's like "I'd love to have you for dinner" and Bedelia gives him a shifty-eyed look like "does that mean what I think it means?" and then at the end it turns out, yes, Bedelia, this is the one time when your super-literal thinking worked in your favor now RUN.

Ideally, Bedelia would be the main character, but I cannot think of a better title than that.

Oh, interesting. I just looked up Creepshow and that name is very apropos to Hannibal!Bedelia's current circumstances. Still, that name will always be inherently funny to me, I guess. The Amelia Bedelia series was very influential to me as a child, something that Tig Notaro and I have in common (ok, its the only thing

Ok loved the episode, it was gorgeous and horrific and unsettling and wonderful and made me get a snack afterwards (this show always makes me hungry, but it's okay because I feel guilty about it), but there's just one thing…

Lol same here. As a child of five I once informed my family about why the Land Before Time could never have happened—not because dinos couldn't talk, but because all of the main characters were from totally different time periods.

A case of diminishing returns, I suppose. I consider Return and Strikes Again to be the series' high points, and only meant that I found the first movie to be abysmally dull. A Shot In The Dark is much funnier, however.

Yeah, I normally dislike that person who comments on a list like this (by nature quite limited) with "Why isn't this thing that I like on here, wahhh, this list is stupid!" but Hannibal is simultaneously the buzziest show-based-on-a-movie-series and one of the ones most deserving of being on a list like this.

And in sort of a reverse Homer Simpson, the more bumbling he got, the better the movies were.

The Nautilus itself was great, thing looked like a magnificent skyscraper on its side. The Nautilus somehow sailing through the canals of Venice, not so great.

Not to be pedantic, Mr. Vago, but it's spelled "Quatermain" not "Quartermain".

That… sounds like a plausibility.

League of XXXtraordinary Gentlemen?

The plot itself is pretty generic, yes, but the themes and characters and settings are all very British. The concept of British imperialism is at the center of the first two volumes (played straight via synecdoche in the first, reversed in the second), and I think Moore has gone on record that the main theme of the

Hey, it's all cool, I didn't read anything as an attack. I just thought it was sorta funny that I was like "My history teacher was really great blah blah blah" and then we end up only talking about things that I didn't learn in history class. Like you, I also attribute that to having to squeeze 400 years into 9 months.

No, not at all! That was a huge blind spot in my education. Growing up, I always assumed that our super-small African-American demographic was just because we never had slavery here. Then some random acquaintance of mine in college called me on my ignorance and was like "Nope, Oregon was founded as a racist utopia!".