
I'm an American, went to high school in Oregon. Had an excellent teacher for AP US History, who specifically selected a different curriculum for us that hadn't been whitewashed by overprotective school boards. We learned plenty about the fucked-up racial systems all over the country (though the South was featured

"Well, nobody's perfect."

I am the voice of my generation! You have to listen to me! Everyone has to listen to me!

As an advance dignitary of the inevitable Youth Revolt, I refuse. Once all of the Olds are relocated to Reeducation Camps (to learn things like how to use "on fleek" and why Zayn leaving 1D is just the WORST), this lawn will be repurposed as a campground/historical landmark. I'm here to save my spot early, cause my

When 1999 rolled over into 2000, I was all of 7 years old. So the 90's are kind of fascinating time period to me for pop culture, because I have the vaguest memories about some of it, and yet at the same time, it seems very foreign and weird (why were bright pastel overalls a thing?). For me, this adds an additional

Aren't they just McCann now? I wonder what happened to Erickson.

Did the show ever get good enough for this major fan response to make sense? I watched the first two episodes because I've read a ton of Hellblazer comics and was not impressed. They made major changes regarding character and setting that I found annoying, which in and of itself shouldn't be a dealbreaker, but the

Wait, so Barbara is supposedly gonna marry Jim Gordon… but in practically every other version of this story, Barbara Gordon is Jim's niece or daughter. So will they be having a daughter who is also named Barbara? Having a Batgirl who's twenty years older than Batman doesn't make much sense.

Mad Men at its center is very cynical about the morality of advertising; it has always sort of baffled me that AMC was ever able to sell ad time during it. "Thank you for your money, we'll be placing your giant corporate ad right here…directly following this scene deconstructing the very moral fiber of advertising as

Obviously to hide their ugly disgusting nerd bodies as much as possible.

It's also only half as long as any of the other seasons, so less of a commitment than Babylon 5's full-length first season.

I am a huge unabashed fan of superheroes and any sort of story involving them. I do realize that the whole concept, mostly played straight, is completely absurd. I also understand that it's juvenile, promotes misguided vigilante justice, and glorifies violence as the de facto solution to nearly any problem. And yet, I

Whenever I hear anything about Sex Criminals, I immediately think of this exchange from 30 Rock (aka the greatest thing of anywhere ever):

Totally awesome idea for Varrick's evil foursome! Y'all ready for this?