
For contrast, the dance party ending was the best part of Slumdog Millionaire.

I demand Man-Ape.

I can really see both sides here. On the one hand, you definitely need conflict and hardship to create drama, and for characters to have really great agency-reclaiming moments, that agency needs to have been lost somewhere in the first place. I don't think it would quite so gratifying to see so many female characters

Haha, thanks. For me, I think it's that his language is too flowery? Like, he'll spend a lot of time on description and setting an atmosphere via a character's observation and mental state but it's all so wordy that I miss plot-relevant details and then I'm confused and annoyed because I have to go back and find what

I usually get about a third of the way through most of Stephen King's stuff before I give up out of sheer boredom. I can tell that he's a gifted writer, I generally love creative horror, and when I read the plot synopses on Wikipedia, it sounds like something that I should really like. There's just something about his

"Best Horror Film of the 21st Century"

Loved the bit where she's been saying "Would you like for me to open the gate?" over and over and laughing each time and then is shocked and confused when actually expected to open a gate.

I love this movie! I've never met anyone else in person who had ever heard of it. Fun fact: this was the first thing I ever watched on Netflix streaming, back when they first introduced the service.

"Nor can they redeem such misjudged ideas as the revelation, during the needlessly extended prologue, that The Thing lifts his signature catchphrase (“It’s clobberin’ time!”) from the older brother who beat the shit out of him as a child."

It's….sigh, it's a really bad pun that doesn't really translate to English. Basically, Naruto had this friend Neji who SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mmmmmmm, cuddly pugs

The director confirmed that those were the design choices behind the characters' body shapes.

"97% Of Scientists CAN Be Wrong!"

Weeeelllllll, ostracization really is built into the faith, since it's a very "us vs. them" mentality. We're in a spiritual war, doncha know, and the only way to win is to turn them into us, cause we have all the answers and are obviously right. And if they show no interest in becoming us, well, then they're unwitting

The Tenth Amendment is very vague about what rights states should get, meaning it's up to the court systems to interpret what exactly it means. The courts have pretty resoundly decided that states aren't allowed to enact discriminatory laws; today, SCOTUS ruled that restricting marriage to opposite-sex couples is

She's said that she doesn't like her name because her mom named her after a perfume.

But see, I would think making a smoothie is far better than juicing because the whole fruit ends up in your drink, as opposed to throwing the good part away. Unless you mean putting juice in your smoothie, but no one is requiring you do it that way,

Full disclosure for me too: I've only seen clips of Epic, mostly because it never at any point looked like something I needed to spend my time on. It was enough to see that they got some pretty bad VA work from some very talented people, mostly Waltz and Aziz Ansari (Tom Haverford-style line delivery does not work

And Lucy Liu… unless you mean native Asian, and not Asian-American.