
It sounds to me like you came up with a conclusion before even a reason.

Slav speaking? Is he a time traveler? You mean Slovak speaking?

Well first of all, many people around the world know English. And considering they get workers from all over the place, it is not unlikely that they speak English to an extent.

But let us say hypothetically they did not speak English, and spoke Slovak. And

Their competitors. So for SpaceX it would be ULA (Boeing + Lockheed), for Tesla it would be Ford, GM, Chrysler. For SC it will probably be the utilities and oil companies?

What does real estate contracting have to do with anything?

As far as a bid too good to be true would be unlikely. Labor makes up a small % of the overall bid which would generally be dominated by equipment. So a 1-2% cost difference in labor is not going to look “too good to be true”.

So what that article is saying is that Musk’s companies are some of the LEAST subsidized in their industries?

Didn’t they remove their production manager and replaced him with someone who used to be from Audi?

You mean he is suing Eisenmann and subcontractor Ism Vuzem? Who may have been in violation?

The point was that they have done a bond offering when it came down to it. As far as if they will chose to use stock or bonds or fund it out of gross profits we will have to see. They will chose whatever makes the most sense at the time.

Did you mean to say “funding”? Or “founding”?

So you say “Don’t say stupid things on the internet”, then proceed to say stupid things on the internet. Why not follow your own advice?

The right of way and extension of the highway has nothing to do with Tesla directly. It was planned to be done anyways, Tesla just hurried up the process. The extensions is for the

You are not excused for not knowing better. There are no federal subsidies. And due to Nevada state constitution not allowing giving of any cash. The only thing they gave is mostly tax breaks on property tax(that was 0 prior anyways) and sales tax (which again was 0) and tax breaks on employee training.

Why does it matter? They reported on the amount of orders as a total. If someone asked for a refund it would lower their total.

And they are perfecting those features. Summons has gotten a few software updates, and the falcon wing doors had some improvements as well. You know, the definition of “perfecting” aka improving on.

The Model X was far more ambitious project. Not to mention the high demand for the Model S was already tapping out production. From my understanding the Tesla Model 3 will be a more simple car to build.

You make no sense. Tesla spends a lot of time perfecting things in their cars. And the fit and finish overall is fine.

We should relegate all power to cats, leave out the middle man.

There is a camera on top. While it does not have depth detection. The camera should still be able in conjunction with the bottom sensors see things like this. So they may be able to do this without an extra sensor.

That is not going to make that much of a difference overall, even during cold the Volt performs worse than the Leaf. So that being the issue is not it, just crappy HVAC system in the Volt. That said I will note that cops are immune to window tinting rules so they can tint their windows to even jet black.

I will agree a larger car means it will require more power. But I disagree about your Volt and Leaf thing. The issue here is more the Volt has a crappier HVAC system because GM figured to skimp since they have a backup engine. If you look at interior volume, Nissan has a larger interior:

The answer to that is not much. When run on electricity to runs at full efficiency without idle loss. You can run a computer a whole month on the battery. And the AC maintaining temperature is not that much. Maybe 10% of the battery for 8 hours.